Unlimited Internet Yota - review of tariffs, connection. Reviews about the Iota provider

Unlimited Internet Yota - review of tariffs, connection.  Reviews about the Iota provider

The cellular operator Yota appeared on the Russian market quite recently - before that, networks in the Wi-Max format were deployed under this brand. Today Yota is a full-fledged mobile operator. The network offers basic services such as unlimited Internet access, voice calls and SMS/MMS sending. That is, there is everything you need to communicate with friends, family and colleagues.

What is so good about the new cellular operator Yota? What are its advantages, since such operators as MTS, MegaFon, Beeline, Tele2 and Skylink already operate in Russia? We will try to answer these questions in our short review.

What new does Yota offer?

The new cellular communication from Yota is fundamentally different from the services offered by other cellular operators. And the main difference is the provision of truly unlimited Internet access for tablets and PCs. Other operators also have it, but there are speed restrictions - some package is given without restrictions, but after it is exhausted, the speed drops to 64 kbit/sec, which is very low. As for the Yota operator, it offers its subscribers high-speed unlimited Internet, without distinction between high-speed and low-speed traffic.

For example, when using the Internet on a tablet, the speed is not limited in any way - we can enjoy the maximum access speed. As for the Internet on computers, access speed can be adjusted here - the higher the speed, the higher the subscription fee. But there is no such thing as a “traffic packet at maximum speed” in this network. The disadvantage of accessing the Internet from a smartphone is that there are limits from 5 to 30 GB. Also present online restriction on downloading torrents, which is unlikely to make future subscribers happy. But in general, the tariffs are quite suitable for surfing, instant messengers, mail and social networks.

You can learn how to test the speed of Yota from a special review dedicated to this issue.

In addition to the main traffic packages, Yota offers its subscribers additional unlimited traffic for access to instant messengers Skype, Viber, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger and Telegram, as well as social networks Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

In addition to unlimited Internet, Yota offers roaming-free space throughout Russia. That is, we can move throughout the country and not overpay for communication services. On-net calls are free by default, and calls to numbers of any other Russian operators are made within the ordered package of minutes - and also without overpayment.

Yota mobile communications offers a single tariff for all smartphone owners. But this tariff has a unique feature - it is fully customizable to the needs of subscribers and offers them regulated volumes of services. We can configure packages of minutes and traffic, add/disable unlimited SMS, activate the “Unlimited applications” option. That is, We set our own tariffs, which is very, very profitable. Yota's tariffs for cellular communications will certainly appeal to those who want to set their tariff in accordance with their preferences. Moreover, prices will not change even in intranet roaming. But if we stay in another region for more than 30 days, the tariff will change in accordance with the “Regional” tariff. Incoming calls will remain free.

Similar tariffs, only without the ability to make calls and send/receive SMS, apply to tablets, modems and routers - here we can adjust the speed of Internet access. But traffic still remains unlimited! Yota operator services are managed via the Internet - using a profile on the operator’s website or using a mobile application for smartphones. Using these tools, we can also get help from service center specialists.

The Yota operator offers not just Internet, but high-speed Internet at 4G speeds. Thanks to this, we can enjoy high-speed access where the corresponding networks operate - and this is more than a hundred Russian cities. In the future, the geography of 4G will expand, but we can use communications in other standards - these are 2G and 3G, while remaining online throughout Russia.

Who will be interested in this operator

The new cellular operator Yota will be of interest to the following categories of subscribers:

  • Travelers;
  • For lovers of high-speed Internet;
  • Business users;
  • Technically advanced people.

Accordingly, for everyone else it will be practically uninteresting, since the main advantage of Yota is the provision of high-speed Internet, which is already included in the subscription fee.

To receive prompt advice, you can contact Yota technical support at any convenient time. Mostly, various kinds of questions arise from clients at the very beginning of interaction with the company. Many of them, after connecting, do not even know how to call the Iota operator. And this is not surprising, because even on the company’s official website there is no helpline phone number.

It seems that the mobile operator deliberately hides such information. To find out the numbers of Yota operators you will have to spend a lot of time. And it turns out to be very easy to call. To do this you need to dial the contact phone number 8-800-550-00-07 . The Yota hotline operates around the clock. The call is free from both mobile and landline phones.

After the number is dialed, a connection will be made to an answering machine, which can also help automatically resolve some situations. If you couldn’t find the answer automatically, then you should wait to connect with a specialist. Before contacting the Yota operator, you must clearly formulate and prepare all your questions. This is the only way Yota support can help resolve the problem.

In most cases, the help desk is contacted when the following problem situations arise:

  • how to change the tariff;
  • find out the address of the nearest service center;
  • how to top up your balance;
  • why the money was withdrawn from the phone;
  • how to configure the equipment.

But that’s not all that worries subscribers. Currently, many people do not know how to call the Yota operator if they have problems with the Internet. Everything is quite simple. Eta communications specialists who maintain the mobile network also deal with problems that arise with the use of the Internet.

Specialists will answer these and other questions of interest and help resolve not only the problems of subscribers, but also those who are just planning to join Iota.

Other methods of communication

Mobile operators

Mobile operator Yota is currently a subsidiary of one of the Big Four members, which owns 100% of its shares. In addition, it is considered virtual because it does not have its own equipment, but provides services using the networks of the parent company.

And yet, despite the occasional rumors about the upcoming liquidation of the brand, Yota is still an independent company living on its own income. The Russian Federation is the main region in which this provider operates. At various times there were attempts to enter foreign markets, including such an exotic one as Nicaragua, but by now the company’s ambitions have seriously shrunk.

The range of services provided by Yota comes down to two main areas:

  • Telephone communication standard GSM.
  • Mobile Internet in 2G/3G/4G networks.
At the time of writing, the main company is Vladimir Dobrynin, who previously managed to change jobs in two large operators - MegaFon and VimpelCom.


The founders of the company, called Scartel LLC, are Russian entrepreneurs Sergey Adonyev and Denis Sverdlov, who became its first head. The latter is a co-owner of the KORUS Consulting company and for some time served as Deputy Minister of Telecom and Mass Communications.

The goal for which everything was started was to create a network in the Russian Federation operating in the WiMAX standard, which was progressive at that time. The decision was made in 2006, but the provision of services began only two years later.

Also in 2008, sales of the corresponding equipment that supported this communication standard began: Express cards, HTC MAX 4G phone, and then, a year later, a laptop.

The Yota brand appeared in 2007. According to rumors, this name was born as a result of SMS correspondence between the founders of the company. At that time, no one had even thought about providing voice communication services - they were only talking about creating a high-speed Internet network.

It should be said that Yota’s connection quality was not all right. Despite the fact that, according to the specifications of the WiMAX standard, the normal speed for this standard is 100 Mbit/s, in practice 20 Mbit/s was considered the norm, and in some areas this figure was completely miserable - 8-9 Mbit/s.

Therefore, the transition to the LTE standard in 2010 was an important milestone in development. This did not pose any particular problems, because the frequencies used coincided with WiMAX. But with the equipment it immediately became easier for customers: now it was enough to install the appropriate SIM card in one of the widely used gadget models.

However, it was not possible to achieve widespread coverage across the country's regions: even the opening of the network in Kazan encountered administrative problems and was postponed for several months. But the company did not give up: in 2011, it entered into an agreement with the Big Three operators on the development of 4G networks in Russia.

In the same year, an attempt was made to enter the Belarusian market, where, however, it was not possible to last even a year - already in the summer of 2012, the provision of services was curtailed.

The financial performance was not at all pleasing to the company's management, and in 2012 a deal was made with the operator MegaFon, which at that time showed an active interest in the development of fourth generation networks. As a result of the reorganization, Scartel LLC, which owned the Yota brand, became a subsidiary of MegaFon, and already in 2013, a representative of the Big Three became the owner of 100% of the shares.

However, complete absorption did not occur for a number of reasons. Moreover, the 4G networks of MegaFon and Yota were not combined, which in practice causes some inconvenience to users of the latter, since they cannot use communication services in regions for which the operator does not have the appropriate permits.

But in the spring of 2014, the launch of a new federal cellular operator was announced, which took place a little later - in August of the same year. The company used MegaFon equipment, and not at all for free, which had a rather negative impact on the attractiveness of the tariffs.

At the same time, the head of Yota was replaced - now it was Anatoly Smorgonsky, who replaced Denis Sverdlov, who resigned. By that time, he had managed to work in the companies VimpelCom, Russia and, however, he did not stay in his place for a long time - already in 2015, he also left his post, giving the chair of the head of the company to Mikhail Dubinin.

A little later, a gradual change in tariff policy begins. Thus, at the beginning of 2017, the connection of new users to tariffs with unlimited Internet traffic was stopped. Instead, a new package line was launched, in which the number of gigabytes was already limited.

Six months later, subscribers received a unique opportunity to “design” their tariff, independently determining the volume of certain services in accordance with their own needs. And at the beginning of 2018, the opportunity was opened to connect packages without calling minutes, which turned out to be convenient for those who only needed the Internet.

Separately, it should be said about the Yota Devices company, known to us from the YotaPhone line of smartphones. In June 2011, the Yota division, which developed mobile communication devices, was spun off into a separate company. Over time, it has become one of Russia's largest suppliers of equipment for 4G networks, known for its modems and routers.

Even before the separation, Denis Sverdlov, who headed Yota at that time, announced plans to create a domestic 4G smartphone, work on which continued until 2013, when the first YotaPhone entered the market.

Unfortunately, the ambitious project ultimately ended in failure: the number of copies sold of the first generation barely exceeded 30 thousand, the second - a little more than 150 thousand, and the third never reached the Russian market, despite the announcement in August 2017: in addition At the time, a large part of Yota Devices was controlled by the Hong Kong investment holding REX Global Entertainment and the new product was refocused on the Chinese market.

As it turned out, $50 million in investments and healthy entrepreneurial impudence were not enough to repeat the success of or in Russian realities.

Today's day

There is currently no official information about the size of Yota’s subscriber base. As of 2015, it amounted to about 1 million users in 52 Russian regions. According to indirect data from one of the Big Four operators, 2.5 million Yota subscribers called its subscribers.

How much does this amount to from the entire Russian mobile communications market? Quite a bit: in 2017, the number of users exceeded 250 million people.

Considering that the subscriber base of the “weakest” member of the “Big Four”, Tele2, at this time amounted to 40.6 million, it becomes clear that the provider does not have any special prospects: in the ratings it falls into the unenviable “Other” category.

But just around the corner is the emergence of 5G mobile Internet, which will make Yota’s 4G networks less relevant and, accordingly, reduce the company’s income level.

Yota, which until recently developed its networks in the Wi-Max format, today became the fifth federal operator. You can connect to Yota in most federal regions of our country. Let's take a closer look at the advantages and disadvantages of this operator.


What new does Yota offer?

It must be said right away that Yota’s tariffs are fundamentally different from the tariffs of other mobile operators. If you want to connect to a tariff for mobile Internet, then you will be pleasantly surprised by the complete unlimited. Internet traffic is not charged for all tariffs. The only difference is the speed.

Moreover, when the money on your balance runs out, Yota does not block access to the Internet, but reduces the speed to a minimum (up to 64 kbit/sec).

If you choose a tariff for a smartphone, Yota does not limit traffic speed. On a smartphone it always remains high. As for tariffs for tablets, there are three options:

  • 512 Kbps – 390 rubles per month
  • 2.1 Mbit/s – 550 rubles per month
  • Maximum speed (in some regions with 4G it reaches 20 Mbit/s) – 650 rubles per month

Prices are presented for Moscow and the Moscow region. In the regions they are lower.

Perhaps, with its tariffs for tablet computers, Yota fell in love with all “Internet-addicted” people. But tariffs for smartphones can also cause admiration and envy of competitors.

As mentioned above, all tariffs include high-speed unlimited Internet. In addition, calls within the Yota network are not charged. And if you wish, you can (for 50 rubles) add free SMS.

As for the differences in tariffs for smartphones, they consist in the number of free minutes to numbers of other operators in Russia:

  • 300 minutes – 140 rubles
  • 500 minutes – 340 rubles
  • 1000 minutes – 640 rubles
  • 2000 minutes – 1040 rubles
  • 3000 minutes – 1540 rubles

The cost of the selected package is added to the cost of the Internet (300 rubles) and unlimited SMS (if required).

We can say that Yota provides its users with one tariff for smartphones, but which everyone can customize for themselves.

Also, the mobile operator Yota provides tariffs for home Internet (desktop PC, laptop, etc.). Tariffs differ only in speed:

  • 512 Kbps – 400 rubles
  • 640 Kbps – 450 rubles
  • 768 Kbps – 500 rubles
  • 896 Kbps – 550 rubles
  • 1 Mbit/s – 600 rubles
  • 1.3 Mbit/s – 650 rubles
  • 1.7 Mbit/s – 700 rubles
  • 2.1 Mbit/s – 750 rubles
  • 3.1 Mbit/s – 800 rubles
  • 4.1 Mbit/s – 850 rubles
  • 5 Mbit/s – 900 rubles
  • 5.7 Mbit/s – 950 rubles
  • 6.4 Mbit/s – 1000 rubles
  • 7.1 Mbit/s – 1050 rubles
  • 7.8 Mbit/s – 1100 rubles
  • 8.5 Mbit/s – 1150 rubles
  • 9.2 Mbit/s – 1200 rubles
  • 10 Mbit/s – 1250 rubles
  • 12 Mbit/s – 1300 rubles
  • 15 Mbit/s – 1350 rubles
  • Maximum speed – 900 rubles (Promotion)

Prices are per month. But you can also use this service:

  • For 2 hours – 50 rubles (maximum speed)
  • For a day – 150 rubles (maximum speed)

IMPORTANT: Mobile operator Yota offers high-speed 4G Internet in more than 40 cities of Russia. But the spread of access to LTE networks does not end there, and over time the geography of Yota’s coverage will only increase.

Advantages of Yota

In addition to excellent prices and flexible tariffs, the mobile operator Yota offers roaming-free space throughout Russia. If you travel to another region of our country, then mobile communication and Internet services will be charged as in your home region.

Unfortunately, this benefit is available only for the first thirty days of being in a region other than the Yota connection location. After 30 days, the operator will offer you a different tariff. However, there is no data yet on what kind of tariff this will be.

Disadvantages of Yota

Yota is a virtual operator. That is, one that uses the networks of another operator. In the case of Yota, this “other” operator is Megafon. That is, this operator is completely dependent on Megafon and the state of its networks.

Another disadvantage is the inability to use a smartphone with a Yota SIM card as an access point for a Wi-Fi network. Here's UNLIMITED Internet. But this disadvantage can be slightly minimized by using a router and paying for Wi-Fi Internet service for 2 or 24 hours.

And of course, the main disadvantage of this mobile operator is its small coverage area. True, it is increasing every day. Perhaps Yota has already come to your city?

Cellular operator Yota: reviews

Eugene. Have been using this operator for several months now. I connected it for both a smartphone and a tablet. And when I move to a house that is currently under construction, I will also order a router with a Yota SIM card. I really like the quality of communication and the ability to track the number of minutes remaining for calls to other operators. The only drawback is the ability to increase Internet speed only after the current tariff ends. Not very comfortable.

Igor. I go out of town for the summer and live there. Naturally, there is no wired Internet there. Before that, I used Megafon, but I found out that they have a subsidiary company, Yota, which “covers” my holiday village. I took it for a try and now I won’t part with it. I even watch football on my laptop. Thanks Yota!

Video. Yota review

The Yota brand belongs to Scartel LLC, which in turn is a subsidiary of Megafon OJSC. "Iota" offers cellular communication services on the GSM and 3G/4G networks of Megafon.

Coverage area of ​​the mobile operator Yota

The new federal operator has so far begun to provide its services only in Moscow, the Moscow region, St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region, and then only in a limited manner. In the near future, Yota should be launched in every Russian region.

Advantages of Yota

The new operator promises its subscribers unlimited Internet for smartphones, SMS, free calls to other Yota users, 300 free minutes of calls to numbers of other Russian operators, as well as roaming-free space throughout Russia. For now, the new operator offers only one tariff. The cost of monthly service for this tariff is 750 rubles. However, other tariffs will appear later.

Disadvantages of Yota

There was a fly in the ointment in the Yota tariff. So, Iota’s Internet cannot be called completely unlimited. The operator notes that the tariff is intended exclusively for use on smartphones, mobile phones, and tablets. The use of Yota SIM cards on other devices (including routers, modems, desktop computers and laptops) is not allowed.

However, the “surprises” do not end there. The tariff is intended for use with one SIM card on one device. Using a card inserted into the phone to provide additional access to communications from other devices is not allowed (in particular, we are talking about distributing the Internet via a wireless channel).

If these restrictions are violated, the operator will reduce the Internet speed to 32 kilobits per second. In addition, Yota speed will also be limited to 32 kilobits for services that use network resources to access torrents and download large files. It turns out that downloading torrents with this tariff will be quite problematic.

Yota service center and personal account

In order to increase comfort and optimal prices, the operator abandoned traditional sales channels. You can order a Yota SIM card either through the operator’s website or through a special mobile application, and receive it by courier or at the point of issue. Their address is indicated in the mobile application.

The company relied on online service, abandoning the traditional contact center. Subscriber support will be provided via chat on the website or mobile application. Services will also be managed entirely through the app.

Internet anywhere in the city - at home, at work, in a cafe, on a walk. No wires, only convenience and mobility. The Yota company provides the opportunity to access the Internet at any time and anywhere. To use its services, follow a few simple steps.

You will need

  • - modem, router or laptop with a Yota module.


On the official website or at the company's office, check whether you are in - whether it is possible to connect in your area. Please note that terrain features, the location of buildings and your personal location may make it impossible or difficult to receive a signal. For information, contact technical support or consult with other users in the area (for example, through a forum).

Select and purchase a device for the Yota network - a modem, router or laptop with a built-in module for connecting to the network. Find out if there are any promotions or special conditions for new users. Find out the conditions for returning the device if it does not suit you.

Read the instructions and connect the selected device to your computer, sequentially go through all the steps to install the software. Typically, the device will automatically launch the installer, find the network, and connect to it. After connecting, register on the site: indicate your full name, create a login, password, security question and answer, also indicate your email address and . Log in, enter your passport details, activate the connected device.
