How to update google chrome to the latest version. Quickly update Google Chrome on your computer

How to update google chrome to the latest version.  Quickly update Google Chrome on your computer

Developers, with enviable consistency, release new versions of their programs with expanded or improved functionality. This is done to retain existing clients and attract new ones. This is how the natural evolution of the project occurs. Therefore, today we will talk about how to update Google Chrome to the latest version for free. Also, during the story, we will consider the simplest ways to achieve what we want, and we will also touch on the mobile platform.

There are several ways to get updates for the desktop version of Google Chrome. And the mobile version of the browser has its own specifics for working with batch files. Therefore, let's not waste time and get to work right away.

For ease of understanding, we will divide the further narration into several logical blocks.

Indication is our everything

The first option for updating the system is to use signals generated by the built-in search engine algorithms. More details about this in the instructions below:

If item "Update" no, when you click on the browser status logo, it means the latest version of the product.

As a rule, packages are downloaded independently in the background while the browser is running. however, to save RAM and traffic, it is better to disable this function.

After completing the update procedure, the search engine needs to be restarted. Open tabs and other information will remain intact.

Alternative method

There is another approach to checking and upgrading the version of Google Chrome. To make your plans come true:

Further actions are similar to the previous method. In general, both approaches effectively cope with the task and preserve all user settings when updating Google Chrome. However, mobile platforms are next, and everything is more interesting there.

How to update on Android

If you have standard Play Store settings, applications will be updated automatically. This is not very useful for the smartphone's RAM and Internet connection speed. So we recommend playing around with the system settings. It’s important for us to check the version of Chrome and download updates, if any. For this:

Noteworthy: starting from version 76, Google Chrome for Android OS can be updated in the browser settings. All you need is:

  1. Open the application and tap on the vertical ellipsis in the upper right corner of the user interface.
  2. Select item "Update", wait for all operations to complete and restart the search engine at the request of the system.

How to update on iPhone

For iPhone owners, the procedure is somewhat different due to the characteristics of the operating system. But not much. To update any application, not just Chrome, you need:

  1. Tap on the AppStore logo.
  2. At the bottom of the user interface, select the tab "Updates".
  3. Scroll down the list until you find the Google Chrome logo.
  4. We specify the password for your Apple ID account and the automatic download of the distribution begins with subsequent installation.

This way you can easily get an updated browser with cool features.

Developers are testing all innovations in the application. So you can try out new functionality before implementing it into the main program.

Let's sum it up

There are several ways to get new functionality and improve the performance of the Chrome search engine. We looked at the simplest and most effective of them for different platforms. Yes, the procedures differ slightly due to the features of the platforms, but not so much that the user cannot figure it out.

Google Chrome is the most popular Internet browser, based on the free and open source Chromium browser. This browser is a reliable Internet surfing tool that supports the most advanced technologies and always accurately displays all elements on the page.

When creating modern websites, developers primarily focus on Chrome, since it is installed on the computers of the vast majority of users.

In addition to such basic functions as support for working with multiple tabs, incognito mode or adding pages to favorites, the functionality of the browser can be expanded by installing special applications from the official store.

With each new version, developers improve the stability and performance of the browser, and in order to take advantage of all the new features of the program, you will need to update the version of Google Chrome.

Browser installation

In order to make sure that the current version of Chrome is installed on your computer, you can download the updated browser from the official website and install it automatically.

To do this you will need:

  • open any other Internet browser or current version of Chrome;
  • go to the official website of the browser by entering this link in the address bar;

  • make sure that the web page correctly identifies the operating system used on the computer. If the parameters are defined incorrectly, you must manually specify the OS and its bit depth by clicking on the link “Download Chrome for another platform”;

  • accept the terms of the user agreement and proceed to download the browser. At the same step, you can mark whether you want to set it as the default browser;

  • wait until the program is downloaded and installed.

Once the installation is complete, the browser will launch automatically.

Video: update Chrome manually

Errors during installation

Despite the fact that it is not necessary to uninstall the current build of the browser before updating Google Chrome to the latest version, there have been cases when the installation program displayed a message with error code 4, 5 or 6, which means that it is necessary to uninstall the old version of the program.

If, during installation, messages about other errors appear, the solution should be sought based on its code, for example:

  • error 101 indicates the impossibility of creating a temporary directory on the system disk. The user may not have rights to perform the operation - you should log in or run the installation as an administrator;
  • error 11 means the component is missing in Windows OS "expand.exe", without which it is impossible to install Chrome. To restore this component, you need to open the command line (press the keys simultaneously "Windows" + "R" and enter the word in the window that opens "cmd"), where to run a system integrity scan with the command "sfc /scannow";

  • error 13 indicates that the installation is being blocked by a third-party program, for example, antivirus software;
  • error 9 indicates incompatibility between the installed version and the operating system used on the computer.
  • The meaning of other error codes that occur during software installation can be viewed on the browser's technical support page.

    How to update Google Chrome manually

    To manually update the version of Google Chrome, the user needs to:

    Current browser version

    In order not to install another version of the browser unnecessarily and to find out which version of the program is currently installed on the computer, the user will need to open the properties of the program shortcut and click on the “File Location” button.

    The folder that opens will contain the *.exe executable file, as well as a subdirectory whose name contains the current version of the program.

    Are there any new updates?

    You can also check the relevance of the installed Chrome build and find out about the availability of the latest version from the “About Browser” menu inside the program itself.

    To do this you will need:

Google Chrome is automatically updated immediately after a new version is released - we care about the security of your data. However, the design and controls of the browser may change.

Checking for updates

Typically the browser is updated in the background when you restart. If you haven't closed Chrome in a while, your version may be outdated. Here's how to check it:

To update Google Chrome, follow these steps:

Open tabs and windows will be saved in the browser and will automatically open when you launch it again. Windows in incognito mode will not be reopened. If you want to restart your browser later, click Not now. The update will be performed the next time you start it.

Additional Information

How to find out the current browser version and check for updates

A page will open with the current version number at the top. When you go to this page, Chrome automatically checks to see if there are any updates.

To apply updates, click Restart.

Additional information for macOS, Linux and Windows 8 users

  • macOS. If the Google Chrome browser is installed in your Applications folder, you can set it to update automatically for all users. Open the About Google Chrome browser page and click Update Chrome for all users.
  • Linux. To update Google Chrome, use a package manager.
  • Windows 8. To apply the updates, close all Chrome windows and tabs on your desktop, then restart the browser.

Articles on the topic

  • If you encounter problems during the update, please refer to this article.
  • Checking for updates in Google Chrome is done through the Google Update process.
  • Use a Chrome device at work or school? If the administrator of the device you're using has prevented you from updating Chrome, this feature won't be available to you. More details

Until the latest version. To be honest, there are quite a few options for the development of events, as well as approaches to solving the task set before us. And this allows you to choose the optimal update method for yourself. It's worth understanding them all to choose the best approach. Let's get started with today's question as soon as possible.

For "Android"

Let's start with the fact that not only computer users are thinking about how to update Chrome to the latest version. This question is also asked by people who use Android-based gadgets. And rightly so - on a computer and a smartphone this process is significantly different.

How to update Google Chrome to the latest version on Android? To do this you will have to launch a special application. It's called Play Market. Ready? Select "My Apps". Now look at the "There are updates" item. There you should find "Google Chrome". Click on this line and then confirm your actions. After some waiting (make sure your smartphone is connected to the Internet), you will be able to find out how to update Chrome to the latest version. After all, you will do this using the Play Market. Very fast, convenient and high quality.

True, if you are not afraid, you can simply download an already updated browser from the Internet. Install it on your phone and use it. But this is not the best option to help answer the question of how to update the Chrome browser to the latest version.

For iOS

But those who like Apple products were not left out. The point is that if you are wondering how to update Chrome to the latest version on an iPhone or iPad, then you can easily and simply complete the task assigned to you. But not quite the same as on Android.

You will need the App Store app. Launch it on your gadget, and then select the "Updates" section. Find Chrome there, and then click on the desired button to complete the process. Sometimes, in order to answer how to update Google Chrome to the latest version, you will have to enter your Apple ID. Don't be alarmed, this is a completely normal process. The main thing is to use only this update method. Otherwise, you risk getting a virus that will steal the data entered into the browser.


How to update Chrome to the latest version on your computer? Here there are already several options for the development of events. Let's start with the simplest - the automatic process. How to implement it? Let's find out!

From time to time, browsers independently check for new versions of themselves. In this case, the user is prompted to automatically update the application. You may or may not agree. Some users really like this approach. After all, then you won’t need to think about how to update Yandex (Chrome) to the latest version. Each browser will do everything itself. All you need is your consent.

So, you launch the application to access the network, and then wait. If there are new versions, the program will give you a message about this. Agree to the automatic installation, and then be patient and wait for the process to complete. After a few minutes, your browser will restart. That's all. Now you know how to update Chrome to the latest version. True, this is far from the only scenario.

Automatic updates are good. But during it, various failures and malfunctions very often arise. And this, in turn, greatly affects the performance of the browser. So many people try not to use automatic updates. It's better to choose another option. Fortunately, there are two more ways that can help us deal with the task at hand today.


Another option for the development of events is nothing more than an independent update. With all this, you will have to search for and run the installation file yourself. How to do it? Just visit the official Google website and find the file there to install the browser of the same name. Now wait for it to download.

Ready? Run the installer and then wait for the process to complete. That's all. A few minutes of waiting - and you have the latest version of the browser installed. It is this scenario that pleases most users. It allows you to minimize various negative consequences of updates.

From the browser

How to update the Chrome browser to the latest version? The program itself that you launch to access the network may be suitable for this. How exactly will she help?

The thing is that Google took care of silently checking for updates with a message to users about their availability. And at the same time you will not be annoyed by windows falling out and popping out. Everything will be displayed directly in the browser.

Open Google Chrome and then look at the right side of the window. Opposite the address bar you will see three horizontal bars - this is the menu. And if it is not gray, then there are some updates. Click on these stripes and a menu will open. Now look for the “Update” term there, and then click on it. All you have to do is wait until the browser restarts.
