How to set a password for a router with Wi-Fi. How to find out the password for your WiFi: the best ways

How to set a password for a router with Wi-Fi.  How to find out the password for your WiFi: the best ways

In this review, we will look at how to set a password on a Wi-Fi router and talk about all the available methods. Our step-by-step instructions will help you cope with the task, and useful tips will help you secure your home network and personal data!

#1 Login to the interface

Before we talk about how to set a password on the router, we will show you how to enter the equipment settings:

  • To access the interface, you must enter a special IP address;
  • You can find the data on a sticker on the back of the device;
  • Most often, standard combinations are used, which we wrote about separately;
  • Enter the found IP into the address bar of any browser - an authorization window will open;
  • You must provide a login combination. If you have not changed the standard combination, it is located on the same information sticker. Most often this is “admin”;
  • If you have forgotten your login information, use the RESET button - it is located on the back panel of the device. After a factory reset, you can use the standard combinations again.

Here we have provided only brief instructions, but you can find the full version of entering the interface in the section presented on our website. Now let's move on - let's figure out how to set a password on a Wi-Fi router!

#2 Setting a combination

Here's how to make a password on your WiFi router at home after you've logged into the web interface:

  • Open your Wi-Fi settings;
  • Select Wireless Security. Depending on the brand, the block names may differ - for example, “Security Properties” or “Security Settings”;
  • A window will open where you need to find the “Password” line. Enter a new combination and save your changes;
  • We recommend setting the encryption type to WPA2-PSK;
  • Reboot your device.

Ready! We told you how to set a password on a D-Link Wi-Fi router or any other model. Now you need to password protect the network in the operating system settings - read about this below.

#3 Computer setup

To achieve a correct connection, you need to install a combination similar to the Wi-Fi router on your PC:

  • Open the Start menu;
  • Select the “Options” block;
  • Click on the “Network and Internet” button;
  • Select the line “Network and Sharing Center”;
  • Find the wireless connection you need;
  • Click on it and open “Wireless Network Properties”;
  • Go to the "Security" tab;
  • Enter the specified key in the “Network key” line and click the “OK” button.

We draw your attention to the fact that there are a lot of programs on the Internet, the main purpose of which is to set a password on the Wi-Fi router. But we recommend avoiding the use of such software - with it, after installation, you run the risk of giving scammers access to personal data and allowing the software to infect your device with viruses and malware.

  • Avoid entering your date of birth, basic words, and symbols arranged in one row on the keyboard;
  • Do not enter non-standard characters;
  • Use letters of different case;
  • Give preference to the Latin alphabet;
  • Be sure to combine numbers and letters.
  • We have described in detail how to set a new password on your router - use our instructions to achieve the desired result and protect yourself as much as possible.

    A wireless Wi-Fi network is the most convenient way to connect to the Internet for mobile devices such as laptops, tablets and smartphones. Moreover, recently Wi-Fi technology is increasingly being used to connect regular desktop computers. This method of connecting to the World Wide Web allows you to get rid of ugly wires that can ruin any interior design.

    However, when using a wireless connection, you must be aware of security. When setting up a home wireless network, many users simply do not know how to set a Wi-Fi password. As a result, they and the data transmitted over such a network are available to everyone. Now we will try to solve this problem.

    Talking about how to set a password for Wi-Fi is not so easy. The fact is that now there are many wireless manufacturers. Each of these manufacturers uses its own shell to configure the router. To help with setting a password for a Wi-Fi network, we will look at the process step by step.

    Step No. 1. Open the router's web interface

    All modern routers are configured via a web interface. There is no need to be intimidated by the word “Web interface”, because in fact it is a small website that is hosted on the router and is accessible to the user from any browser.

    Open your favorite browser and enter the IP address of your wireless router into the address bar. The router's IP address can be or If you don’t know exactly what IP address your router has, you can simply try one first, and then the second.

    After you have entered the IP address of the router, a form will appear in front of you in which you need to enter your login and password for access. If you are, you can read our article on this topic.

    After entering your login and password, the router’s web interface will appear in front of you. In the picture below you can see the web interface of the ASUS router.

    Step #2: Find the Wi-Fi settings section

    In the web interface of the ASUS router, to access this section, just click on the “Wireless network” link in the “Advanced settings” section.

    Step No. 3. Set a password for Wi-Fi

    In the Wi-Fi settings section, you need to select the authentication method, encryption algorithm and enter the (key) to access Wi-Fi.

    In the “authentication method” section, select WPA2. This is the newest and safest option. We choose the AES algorithm as the encryption algorithm; this is also the most reliable option. And of course, don’t forget to set a password for Wi-Fi. To do this, enter a set of numbers and symbols in the “Key” field. After all the settings are set, we save the result, in some cases.

    That's it, these simple steps are enough to set a Wi-Fi password. The next time you try to connect to your Wi-Fi network, your computer will ask you to enter your password.

    Go to your router settings. It is best to use the CD that comes with the router, otherwise you can do the same remotely via the Internet. To access the router via a web browser, enter a special address in the input line. Standard addresses for routers:, and

    • If possible, go to the router settings from a computer that is connected to it with a special Ethernet cable. If you connect to the network directly via Wi-Fi, then with any change the Internet will turn off, and you will have to log into the router again to configure it.
    • The default username and password on many routers is “admin”. Otherwise, try leaving one of the input fields blank and entering “admin” in the other. If this does not work, then refer to the instructions for your router, or contact the manufacturer.
    • If you have previously changed the password to access the router and cannot remember it, then press the Reset button on your router to return it to the factory settings. Please note that this action will delete all of your settings.

    Find your network's security properties. The names differ on many routers, but basically this item is located in the “Wireless Network Settings” or “Security Settings”. If you can't find this setting, search the name of your router and look for where the security settings are located.

  • Select the encryption type. Most routers have several possible network security options. Basically, these are: WEP, WPA-PSK (Personal), or WPA2-PSK. Whenever possible, choose WPA2 because it is the strongest type of encryption for wireless networks. This feature may not be available on some older router models.

    • Some older devices do not support WPA2 encryption. Keep this in mind if you have such devices and connect them to the network.
  • For WPA2-Personal, select AES type. If you have a choice, choose AES for WPA2 encryption. Another option is TKIP, however it is older and less reliable. Some routers only support the AES algorithm.

    • AES is a standard symmetric block cipher algorithm and is the best algorithm available.
  • Enter the SSID and passcode. The SSID is the name of the access point, and the passcode is the set of characters that you will need to enter to connect to your access point.

    • Your password must contain letters, numbers and symbols. The simpler your password, the easier it will be for ill-wishers to guess it, or to guess it using the “brute force” method, as programmers call it. There are password generators online that will help you choose a strong one for your network.
  • Save the settings and reboot the router. Click the “apply” or “save” button to save the new network security settings. Most routers will begin to reboot automatically and all devices connected to it will be disconnected from the network - they will have to re-enter the password.

    • If the router does not reboot automatically, you will have to do it manually. To do this, turn off the router, remove the plug from the socket and count to ten. Then reconnect the router to the network, turn it on and wait until it undergoes the initial boot (it will complete as soon as all the indicators start to light without change).
    • Don't forget to update your network connection on all your devices. For greater network security, change your password approximately every six months.
  • Many users who recently installed a WiFi router ask how to protect their WiFi network. In this post, we will look at several techniques that will make it much more difficult for unwanted users to access your network.

    Nowadays, in addition to a desktop computer, many people have mobile devices that require an Internet connection: laptops, smartphones, tablets. To connect these devices to the network, it is convenient to use your home Wi-Fi network.

    But when creating a Wi-Fi network, there is a threat to the security of your data. Everything that is transmitted over a wireless network is broadcast over a fairly significant distance and attackers can gain access to this data. To protect your WiFi network from such an attack, you need to take a few simple steps.

    Quick navigation

    Use a strong password to access your router settings

    When setting up the router, you must, of course, change the default password. In this case, the password for accessing the router does not follow the password (key) for connecting to the network.

    The web interface is usually available at or

    Use a strong security mode

    Modern WiFi networks support several security modes. In the WiFi settings, this item may be called “Security mode” or “Security mode”.

    For maximum protection of your WiFi network, you must use WPA or WPA2 (Wi-Fi Protected Access) mode.

    Use a long and complex key to connect to the network

    If the WiFi network operates in WPA mode, you must enter a key to connect to it. In order for a WiFi network to be protected from hacking, the key (password) must be quite long and complex.

    The key must be at least 12 characters long and must consist of letters and numbers. Do not use banal passwords, for example wi-fi, fi-wi, mywifi, etc.

    Hide your SSID

    Each WiFi has its own SSID (name of the WiFi network). If you enable hiding the SSID in the router settings, you can connect to such a network only if you know its name.

    Of course, if you are hiding the SSID of your WiFi network, it must be unique. In this case, there is no point in using banal phrases like “router” or “dlink” as the SSID. Such names can be easily chosen.

    Use MAC address filtering

    Each network device is equipped with a unique MAC address. This feature makes it possible to restrict network access for unknown devices. In the router settings, you can specifically specify which MAC addresses are allowed to connect to the WiFi network.

    MAC filtering is not serious protection. But together with other methods it significantly increases the protection of the WiFi network.

    Video on how to set a password for WI-FI

    What should I do if, after enabling the password on the Wi-Fi router, the connection is limited and the router menu does not work?

    Try resetting the router to factory settings by pressing the Reset button located on the back of the device. Set the password again.

    The question “how to change the password on a wifi router” often arises among users who have never messed with the router settings and are therefore very afraid of making a mistake and accidentally “breaking” the device.

    Therefore, here we will look at practical step-by-step instructions on how to change the password on a wifi router, which will help even novice users understand the secrets of the web interface.

    Why do you need a password on a Wi-Fi router?

    Indeed, most users do not store any important data on the local network, or on the computer itself. For a professional hacker, such computers do not provide the slightest value. So why do you need to put some kind of additional password on the router?

    So, the main reason to change the password on a Rostelecom wifi router is to prevent the theft of Internet traffic.

    In this case, you should distinguish between the password for entering the router settings and the Wi-Fi password for connecting to a wireless network:

    • - The web interface password is used to change the router settings. As a rule, these are the standard admin login and admin password, which must be entered in the authentication window at at . We looked at setting up the router in more detail using the examples of models, etc.
    • - WiFi password is used for and. And in this article we will look at how to change the password on a Rostelecom wifi router using the examples of D-Link, Asus and Tp-Link models.

    By default, most routers leave the wireless connection unprotected, so anyone can freely connect to such an access point, thereby occupying .

    As a rule, in this case, it “falls” significantly (especially if the “thief” sits in online cinemas or downloads “heavy” applications from the network), and the user begins to “sin” what it is. The drop in traffic is especially noticeable when every megabit “counts”.

    How to change the password on a d link router?

    On D-Link dir-300, dir-320, dir-620 and some others, setting the password is completely identical:

    • - open one of the Internet browsers;
    • - write in the address bar;
    • - in the authentication window that appears, enter the same admin/admin (of course, if you did not change them to unique ones).

    If you have forgotten the password for your wifi router, then you need to reset the router settings to factory settings using the Reset button and “log in” with the standard password.

    After successful login, the web interface will send you to the “Settings” page, where you immediately go to “Advanced Settings” and to “Security Settings”, located in the “Wi-Fi” section.

    Actually, here you can set a password: opposite “Authentication”, select “WPA2-PSK”, and in the “PSK encryption key” field, enter a password (minimum 8 characters) and save the new data using the button at the bottom of the page.

    After setting the password, you need to delete it again and on other mobile devices.

    Do not use any names, dates, simple words, character sets in your password (for example, 555555, aaaaaaa11, bbbbbbbb22), and also avoid using template passwords like password, qwerty, etc. Such keys are easy to break if the cracker knows his stuff. This rule applies not only to D-Link routers, but also to any router model.

    How to change the password on a tp link router?

    Here the IP address of the router is and the web shell address is, respectively. The standard password and login for logging into the “admin panel”: admin and admin. Moreover, almost all the latest versions of routers, including WR740N, WR741ND, have a completely identical web interface.

    In the settings section, you need to go to the “Wireless” column, scroll to the very end of the page and find the “PSK Password” line, where you should enter your password.

    After that, save your changes and reconnect to the router.

    How to change the password on an asus wifi router?

    The web interface of Asus routers is in most cases identical, but the names of the sections for “old” and new models may be slightly different.

    Open your browser, enter and enter the familiar admin and admin (if the wizard did not change this data when connecting the router).

    Here go to the “Wireless Network” section, where you need to fill in the fields:

    - “Authentication method” – select “WPA2-Personal”;

    - “WPA encryption” – select “AES” from the list and

    Finally, enter your Wi-Fi password and save the settings.

    For more recent firmware of Asus routers 3.x.x.x. approximately the same rules apply. Once in the settings panel, go to the “Wireless Network” section where you fill in the SSID field (we write the name of the network in English letters), “Authentication method” - “WPA2-Personal” and “WPA Key” - your actual password.

    How to change the password on a zyxel wifi router?

    You can also password-protect your zyxel router through the device’s web interface: go to the advanced “Access Point” settings and enter a new password in the “Network Key” column.
