The best Android smartphones according to customer reviews. The best smartphones in terms of price-quality ratio Modern smartphones

The best Android smartphones according to customer reviews.  The best smartphones in terms of price-quality ratio Modern smartphones

If you don't constantly monitor the smartphone market, then it can be difficult for you to choose the right phone that you won't regret buying later. The site’s experts have collected for you answers to the most important questions about choosing a smartphone. Here you will learn how to choose the phone that is right for you, which phone is best to buy in 2018-2019, and how to save on your purchase.

What do you expect from a new smartphone?

Before buying a smartphone, you should decide on the set of features that you expect to receive. Do you need a powerful device or just a dialer? Do you want high-quality photos? Do you expect your smartphone to work for several days without recharging? Do you need a metal body and features like a fingerprint scanner, water resistance or bezel-less?

Today you can find a smartphone to suit every taste, but it is better to avoid some misconceptions. For example, if a phone has twice as many processor cores and RAM, the screen resolution and the number of megapixels of the camera have increased, then it will definitely be better. This is not entirely true. , obtained by our experts after testing devices in the laboratory and during daily use, clearly showed that many parameters and characteristics do not directly affect the quality of the phone. Therefore, if you have a smartphone from last year or the year before, then it is absolutely not necessary to change it precisely because of its “outdated” characteristics.

If you still decide to change your phone, pay attention to the constantly updated website compiled by experts. With it, you can compare smartphones based on various parameters or simply find out which smartphone is the best today. This became possible due to the fact that for the first time all phones were tested using a single method. Also, every year we sum up the results by making selections, as we did in 2016, or choosing the best smartphones of the year, as, for example, we did in 2016.

Which operating system should I choose?

The smartphone can run on the operating system iOS, Android and some others, for example, Windows. But these two OS are the most popular.

iOS- Apple's operating system, which runs all of the company's portable devices: iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch. The main advantages of the system are ease of learning and a high level of optimization, and at the same time stability, high speed and excellent compatibility with applications. Another plus is the constant system updates for most of the company’s devices, but keep in mind that older gadgets may slow down after updating. The main drawback of iOS is that the system is closed; for example, you can’t just download a movie from your computer or put a song on a call. iOS is also characterized by limited support for multimedia formats, and here you cannot replace many basic applications and change the appearance of the system without doing a Jailbreak - the operation of opening access to the file system to expand the capabilities of the device. Just keep in mind that after Jailbreak you will lose the warranty on your gadget. Over the past couple of years, Apple has been working on fixing the shortcomings. For example, they are expanding the options for setting up the phone - adding support for third-party keyboards, the ability to transfer some media files to the iPhone without the help of iTunes, and already allowing you to delete some pre-installed applications. Also keep in mind that iOS devices are, on average, significantly more expensive than their Android competitors.

Android- an operating system from Google with extensive customization options. A standard browser, utilities for writing text messages and calls, a calendar, notes, a keyboard, an email client - most of these applications can be removed and installed others that are convenient for you personally. You can even change the appearance of the interface. This system has many settings and changeable parameters, and the number of applications and games for Android is huge. The disadvantages are that the degree of protection against malware is not as high as in iOS, and the simultaneous coexistence of a huge number of models on different versions of the system. This can lead to difficulties with optimization and compatibility with different applications and devices. Another drawback is the limited time support for the gadget. So, most devices receive system updates within a year or two, no more. Then you have to either buy a new device or stay on the old OS.

Windows Phone is an operating system from Microsoft, which has almost disappeared from the mobile device market. Its features are the “tiled” style and high speed of operation even on frankly weak hardware. The disadvantages of the system are an unintuitive menu and a small number of applications and games in the store. Now this system is living out its last days on smartphones; you are unlikely to find a Windows phone in stores, except perhaps a budget one.

What display diagonal is right for you?

One of the main parameters of a smartphone is the diagonal and screen resolution. The dimensions and such an important point as the ease of use of a smartphone directly depend on this.

Examples of smartphones with different display diagonals.

Less than 4.6 inches- a compact smartphone with a small screen that is comfortable to hold in your hand, carry in any pocket (this is an important point in the summer, when we wear light clothes) and which is comfortable to talk on even for a long time due to its small dimensions. The downside is that operating a smartphone with such a screen may be inconvenient at first. If you have big fingers or are choosing a smartphone for the older generation, it is better not to consider this option. Due to the increase in device sizes, it is not easy to find a phone of this size with good characteristics. These are mainly budget or old phone models, for example. Exceptions include 4-inch or 4.6-inch.

4.6 - 5.3 inches— universal screen sizes. These can be either budget or mid-segment models, or flagship smartphones (for example,). If the diagonal is closer to 4.6 inches, the device fits comfortably in the palm of your hand and is easy to operate with one hand. A smartphone with a diagonal closer to 5.3 inches is not very comfortable to hold in your hand, but on a larger screen it is easier to work with small icons, play games, watch movies, read email, and so on. In this category, you will find both small phones (like the 4.7-inch) and larger models (like the 5-inch or 5.2-inch).

Over 5.3 inches— a separate term was invented for such phones: phablet (phablet, combination PHone + tABLET). Such devices combine the capabilities of a smartphone and a tablet, so they need to be controlled using two hands: with one you hold the smartphone, with the other you touch the screen. Phablets are difficult to carry in clothing pockets; most often they simply do not fit there. A device of this type is suitable for those who are willing to put up with the huge dimensions and corresponding inconveniences of a smartphone. But it seems that today this no longer bothers anyone, and people are willing to endure it for the sake of the big screen. Typical representatives of phablets are (5.5 inches) and (5.5 inches). There are also larger models, for example (6.44 inches).

What type of screen do you need?

Manufacturers of modern smartphones, as a rule, indicate information about the type of screen directly on the box. This can also be found in open sources (for example, on the manufacturer’s official website).

TFT/TN— screens based on this matrix are usually used in the most inexpensive smartphones. Key features are low contrast, narrow color gamut, faded image and small viewing angles. Of course, when purchasing a budget smartphone, you shouldn’t expect good picture quality. Owners of such a screen are extremely budget smartphones, for example, and.

IPS/S-IPS/PLS— screens based on such matrices have a natural color gamut, wide viewing angles and a high level of brightness. Also, this type of matrix has good readability in the sun - this is important if you often use your smartphone outdoors.

Some manufacturers use specific names to refer to this type. For example, HTC indicates “Super LCD” screens in its smartphones, while in reality it is the same IPS matrix. IPS matrices can be found both in inexpensive phones, like, and in flagship models, for example, or.

AMOLED/Super AMOLED— previously, screens based on these matrices were used only in flagship Samsung smartphones, but now they can be found in other manufacturers, for example, in phones or. In addition, AMOLED matrices have spread to inexpensive models, such as. Distinctive features: very rich and contrasting colors, good viewing angles, wide color gamut, perfect black color display and energy saving. Disadvantages are the high price and “burn-out” of blue pixels over time, which is why the service life of such a display is shorter than that of screens based on IPS/S-IPS/PLS matrices. Also, some Super AMOLED screens use Pentile technology, which consumes less power, but the image on them appears grainy and unnatural when viewed closely (with a red halo around letters, icons and other elements).

Screen resolution- another parameter that sometimes leads to confusion. It would seem that everything is simple - the higher it is, the better the image will be. But in reality, you are unlikely to see the difference in picture clarity between a 5-inch Full HD screen (1920x1080 pixels) and a 5.5-inch 4K display (3840x2160 pixels).

In our opinion, HD resolution (1280×720) is optimal for smartphones with a diagonal of up to 5 inches, and Full HD for phones with a screen larger than 5 inches. Excessively clear Quad HD, firstly, will only be useful for tablets or phones with virtual reality glasses, and secondly, it often has a bad effect on the battery life and performance of the smartphone.

How to choose a smartphone camera?

It is believed that the more megapixels there are, the better the pictures - and this is true, but only partly. The quality of a photo depends not so much on the number of megapixels, but on the size and quality of the matrix, optics, image processing algorithms and a number of additional options. Therefore, first of all, we advise you to look at the quality of photos taken on your phone (you can test the camera yourself in a store or look at the pictures in reviews of the device). In our opinion, some of the best smartphones in terms of shooting quality are LG G6, iPhone X. Of the cheaper models, we can recommend any of last year’s flagships, for example, or. Among state employees there are also good cameras, for example, .

Photos of Huawei P10 Plus

What should the battery capacity be?

It is impossible to predict the battery life of a smartphone based only on technical characteristics. It depends not only on the capacity of the battery, but also on the “gluttony” of the filling, resolution, screen brightness, type of matrix, device optimization and, of course, the mode of its use. That is why we check the operating time and test the autonomy of smartphones using a single method. It would be wrong to give a specific value for battery capacity and say that it is optimal. But we can still give you approximate guidelines for phones based on screen diagonal:

  • for a smartphone with a display up to 4 inches, we recommend a battery capacity of at least 1400-1500 mAh;
  • for a diagonal of 4-5 inches you will need a battery of 2000 mAh;
  • with a screen from 5 to 5.5 inches - at least 2400 mAh;
  • For displays larger than 5.5 inches, a battery of at least 3000 mAh is required.

What stands apart from other models are “long-lived smartphones” with huge-capacity batteries, such as the popular ones (5000 mAh) or (4100 mAh). There are also models with a battery capacity of 10,000 mAh, for example.

Do I need to pay attention to the case materials?

If you are buying a device based only on technical characteristics, then you can skip this point. In another case, before purchasing, you should decide what kind of smartphone you want: made of plastic, metal or glass. So which phone should you buy? Let's figure it out in order.

Matte plastic is a commonly used material and is usually smooth. Plastic is inexpensive and practical, it does not leave marks or fingerprints, and if scratches appear, they are almost invisible. This material is used in.

Glossy plastic is a shiny plastic, usually plain, but sometimes with graphic effects on the surface. Such smartphones look impressive at first (especially on a store shelf). However, the “gloss” quickly loses its original appearance - the body becomes covered with fingerprints, greasy stains and scratches, which are clearly visible. Popular smartphones with a glossy plastic body - and.

Polycarbonate- one of the plastic options, externally something between smooth and glossy plastic. A universal material used in most Microsoft smartphones or any others, for example, an old or .

Coated plastic Soft-touch— plastic with a special elastic rubber-like coating that feels like a rubberized surface. Pros - a smartphone with a soft-touch coating is comfortable to hold in your hand; it will not slip out, even if you take it with wet palms. Disadvantages - after six months to a year of active use, the case begins to wear out: the “soft-touch” coating peels off and a surface with simple plastic is exposed. As an example of a device with such a coating, we give.

Metal- usually an aluminum alloy is used, less often - stainless steel. A smartphone in a metal case looks and feels more expensive in the hand than any plastic one. This effect is difficult to describe in words; it is much easier to understand it by simply holding such a phone in your hand. In addition, people always think that such a smartphone is more reliable. There are also disadvantages: painted metal wears out over time - the paint peels off, scratches and dents appear. The most popular smartphones using metal in the body are and.

Glass- hardened or simply with increased resistance to scratches and impacts. Used to protect the screen from damage and sometimes as an anti-glare layer. This material is used in almost all modern devices, usually Gorilla Glass from the American company Corning, DragonTail Glass from the Japanese Asahi Glass or others. There are smartphones on the market that are covered with glass on both sides, for example, and. It looks beautiful, but such surfaces get dirty and slip easily, and you are unlikely to be happy if you suddenly drop such a “glass” phone.

How productive should a smartphone be?

The performance of a smartphone depends on the processor, the amount of RAM, as well as its firmware and optimization. As a rule, all modern phones are powerful enough for basic tasks and simple applications. And when buying a mid-level device (for example), you can reasonably expect that it will run any applications and heavy games, perhaps sometimes with graphics limitations.

If you need maximum performance, then take any modern flagship, for example, or. But a noticeable difference with the same “average level” will be noticeable only in the heaviest applications and games. Therefore, when choosing a smartphone, it is not at all necessary to focus only on top-end hardware. By overpaying for the flagship filling, you are most likely buying a supply for several years in advance. But during this time, the smartphone may well break down, or it will become outdated for some other reason (for example, the manufacturer will stop updating the operating system).

Some limitations and performance problems can only be noticed in the budget segment. Here we would advise focusing on at least 2 GB of RAM and at least four cores in the processor, with operating frequencies from 1.3 GHz, for example, like or. Going lower, you risk experiencing delays in the daily operation of the device.

How much memory should a smartphone have?

Any smartphone has a certain amount of built-in memory for storing user data: music, videos, photos and more. Cheap memory models may have 4 or 8 GB, but we would advise targeting at least 16 or 32 GB. Although today there are models with 64, 128 GB and so on. As an additional option, you may be offered a slot for a microSD memory card, but not all smartphones have it.

How many photos, applications and hours of music will “fit” in a smartphone?

Important: in any smartphone, part of the built-in memory is occupied by system files and is inaccessible to the user. The amount of such memory depends on the specific model and manufacturer. If the smartphone's characteristics indicate 8 GB of memory, approximately 3-6 GB will be available to the user; if 16 GB is specified, about 10-13 gigabytes will be available. Before you buy a phone, consider how much memory you need.

16 GB- if you buy a smartphone mainly for making calls, checking email and the Internet, a version with a built-in memory of 16 GB or even less is suitable. The presence of a slot for a memory card will allow you to expand this volume and store additional photos, audio and video.

32/64/128 GB— if you plan to use your smartphone as an MP3 player, store captured photos, play like on a game console, or turn it into a DVR, then it is advisable to choose a phone with a memory capacity of at least 32 GB.

Smartphones with a memory card slot offer another 32 to 200 gigabytes of memory. Moreover, budget models, as a rule, support microSD cards with a capacity of 32-64 GB, and more expensive devices - up to 200 GB. The expanded memory capacity will allow you to use your smartphone to the fullest: play games on it, listen to music, download and watch movies and TV series. But keep in mind that memory cards do not last very long and break easily, that is, one day you can suddenly lose data from it.

When choosing a smartphone brand, be sure to pay attention to the following points:

  • Price-quality ratio. Prices for smartphones from leading manufacturers are unreasonably high. Of course, if you purchase a flagship, and the price does not matter to you, an expensive brand will emphasize your status, and the smartphone itself will allow you to enjoy the most modern achievements in the field of electronics. But it hardly makes sense to purchase budget or mid-price smartphones from leading companies, since for the same money you can buy a better product from a less “promoted” company.
  • Brand awareness. If you want to save money, purchasing a device from little-known third/fourth tier companies is also not worth it. Otherwise, there is a risk of encountering endless software bugs, poor assembly and other problems. Companies that are well-known and have been on the market for many years try to monitor the level of their products.
  • A country. Recently, it is determined not so much by the quality as by the cost of the device. If you are interested in inexpensive, yet high-quality smartphones, you should choose among Chinese manufacturers, but only well-known ones. But the USA and Korea have the palm among expensive flagships.
  • Official presence on the Russian market. To avoid problems with technical support, “crooked” Russification, and compatibility with Russian LTE networks, it is better to give preference to brands that officially supply their products to the Russian market.
  • Opinions of other users. Good reviews online are the first indicator that a company can be trusted.

Below we have compiled a list of the 10 best smartphone manufacturers in 2019. The rating was compiled based on indicators such as hardware power, quality of components, reasonable price and user reviews on the network.

Rating of the best smartphone brands 2019

10. Meizu

  • Good filling
  • Country: China
  • Rating (2019): 4.6

A relatively young Chinese manufacturer, which in 15 years has become one of the leaders. Meizu have good computing power and at the same time low cost. The Flyme OS shell is extremely simple and easy to use. Another “strong point” is reliable protection against theft, which even surpassed the analogue from Apple. Unfortunately, in mid-2019 the company announced its withdrawal from the Russian market. We do not recommend buying Meizu smartphones at the end of 2019 and 2020.


  • Reliability
  • Availability
  • Cameras and displays
  • Flyme account allows you to find your phone if lost/stolen


  • Updates rarely come
  • Sometimes users complain about connection loss (SIM card failure)
  • MediaTek processors used in Meizu are inferior in performance to analogues from Qualcomm
  • The company left the Russian market

9. Nokia

  • Former flagship
  • Country: Finland
  • Rating (2019): 4.2

Nokia needs no introduction, because it is the star of the “nineties” and “zeros”. However, over the past 8-10 years, the former flagship has faded into second or even third place. True, the company has been trying to correct the situation for the last few years. But this attempt has not yet brought significant results. Nokia produces stylish smartphones with good hardware, but users complain about the software. In addition, reliability often leaves much to be desired, but the problem is solved by warranty service.


  • Stylish design
  • Advanced components
  • Assembly
  • Displays
  • Cameras


  • Raw software
  • Unreliability


  • Naked Android and good cameras
  • Country: USA
  • Rating (2019): 4.0

Google produces expensive smartphones, and the prices are sometimes unreasonably high. They have good, but not always top-end hardware, an advanced camera and an excellent screen. Perhaps, if not for the high price, gadgets from Google would have taken a higher place in our ranking.


  • Performance
  • Naked Android
  • Reliability
  • Autonomy
  • Assembly and components


  • Expensive
  • Not officially sold in Russia


  • Good quality and budget models
  • Country: China
  • Rating (2019): 4.4

Lenovo is one of the largest Chinese brands that acquired Motorola Mobility divisions in 2014. These are inexpensive phones that users love for their low cost and good quality. True, Lenovo and Motorola, of course, cannot be called the cheapest Chinese brands. In 2019, brands are practically not represented on the Russian market and it is not recommended to buy them.


  • Good state employees
  • Reliability
  • Assembly and components
  • Operation stability


  • Camera on inexpensive models
  • Minor flaws in stock software


  • Holds a good position in the market
  • Country: South Korea
  • Rating (2019): 4.5

LG is one of the most famous South Korean brands. True, smartphones are not as popular as, for example, Samsung. But, in general, the manufacturer keeps its brand. The product does not raise any complaints in terms of basic criteria. At the same time, the price is far from exorbitant.


  • Design
  • Operation stability
  • Reliability
  • Advanced components


  • Speaker sound
  • Many models do not have a slot for a flash card

5. Sony

  • The falling star of the mobile market
  • Country: Japan
  • Rating (2019): 4.3

This manufacturer suffered the same fate as Nokia. In general, they are not bad smartphones, but their flagships are inferior to today's market leaders. Models in the middle and lower price categories are significantly more expensive than many of their analogues. However, Sony has its fans and the brand is worthy of being in the top 10.


  • Design
  • Equipment
  • Assembly
  • Flagship cameras


  • Expensive
  • Unreliability and instability of work of public sector employees


  • The best in the budget smartphone segment
  • Country: China
  • Rating (2019): 4.7

Huawei could be placed in the same position as Meizu, but these devices are produced based on their own HiSilicon processors, which in terms of speed are sometimes even superior to Qualcomm products. In addition, the cameras in these smartphones are some of the best in the world. True, the cost of Huawei is somewhat higher than other “Chinese” ones.
Unfortunately, in mid-2019, due to the trade war between the United States and China, sanctions were imposed on Huawei and all the usual Google services, including Google Play, will be absent from new smartphone models. So when purchasing, you should focus on models released before the end of 2019. In addition, the Honor sub-brand with more budget models was not affected by the sanctions and Google services will be present on new phone models.


  • Iron power
  • Affordable price
  • Durability
  • Camera
  • Accessories


  • Often there is no oleophobic coating on the screen
  • US sanctions and disconnection from Google services


  • Market flagships
  • Country: China
  • Rating (2019): 4.8

In terms of sales, Xiaomi is the leader in the Chinese market and is a big competitor to such giants as Apple and Samsung. The main advantage of these phones is their high performance and affordability. They have a well-proven MIUI shell, loved by millions of users.


  • Power
  • Low price
  • Great filling
  • Accessories
  • Operation stability


  • Sellers often offer Chinese versions under the guise of “global”
  • Imposing your own applications


  • Reliability and functionality
  • Country: South Korea
  • Rating (2019): 4.9

According to many users, Samsung Galaxy is the best smartphone in terms of a number of indicators, such as performance, functionality, reliability, etc. Samsung produces the best screens, and in general, the flagship equipment is top-notch.


  • Reliability
  • Performance
  • Design
  • Filling
  • OS optimization


  • Price
  • Bugs noticed in the latest episodes
  • Scandal related to the artificial slowdown of old models

Which company to choose in 2019?

If the image component does not matter to you, but you want to get a good device at an affordable price, it makes sense to pay attention to the Chinese - Meizu, Huawei or Xiaomi. Each manufacturer's catalog has plenty to choose from.

If you are used to buying the best without sparing money, you should definitely buy a flagship from Samsung or an IPhone. Which one should you choose? The comparison hardly makes sense, since each option is good in its own way. Therefore, the choice depends on individual preferences in terms of design and OS.

5 questions to ask yourself before buying

  1. How much are you willing to spend? The answer will immediately reduce the large list of “candidates” for purchase to just a few brands.
  2. How often do you change your smartphone? If your phones often break, get lost, or just get boring, it hardly makes sense to buy an expensive brand.
  3. For what purpose are you purchasing the device? If a gadget is needed to solve simple tasks, such as surfing the Internet, communicating on social networks and instant messengers, watching video content, it does not need ultra-high performance. That is, you can make a choice in favor of the same Meizu. Gamers should take a closer look at Xiaomi, Huawei or Samsung.
  4. Which shell or OS do you prefer? For lovers of “naked” Android, we can recommend Google, as well as some Xiaomi. If ease of control is important, Meizu is hard to beat in this regard
  5. Is there a service center for your chosen brand in your city? The speed of repair in the event of a device breakdown largely depends on this.

Which phone to choose so that it has good equipment and a high price/quality ratio? Everything is very simple: we analyzed the most popular user requests and their purchases on Yandex.Market and selected for you popular phones in terms of price and quality in 2019. This rating includes devices with modern hardware and excellent workmanship. And, as it turned out, phones from the budget and mid-price segment are in greatest demand.

What was taken into account when choosing this or that model, besides high popularity? First of all, this is the price, then ease of use, modern design, a set of the most popular functions, performance, image quality and battery life. All the smartphones selected in this rating have no problems with this, and you can safely rely on them in these categories.

As expected, the Top Manufacturers included Xiaomi and Samsung, but there are also devices from Huawei and Asus. To make it easier for you to navigate your budget, we have divided devices into 3 groups according to cost: up to 10,000 rubles, up to 20,000 rubles and up to 40,000 rubles. And we will start, according to tradition, with relatively expensive, but most equipped phones, and then we will talk about the most popular devices from the middle and budget segment.

The most popular phones under 40,000 rubles

This category includes smartphones with the best characteristics, but at the same time having very high demand in the domestic market. However, we note that if it weren’t for the price restrictions, then the iPhone X would definitely have been included in it (its price starts from 60,000 rubles), because almost twice as many people bought it (according to data for the last 2 months) as the Samsung Galaxy S8+ 64GB (about 40,000 rubles). And we will start with the latter.

Samsung Galaxy S8+ 64GB

The smartphone has become especially attractive in the last six months, when its price dropped by almost half its starting price. Most stores sell it for more than 40,000 rubles, but there are offers for less than 30,000. Top-end hardware, a chic camera, excellent workmanship, a frameless screen rounded at the edges - this is what gives this model high popularity. Separately, we emphasize the presence on board of a huge number of sensors, including a gyroscope, compass, barometer, fingerprint and iris scanners.


large AMOLED screen 6.2 inches with 2K resolution (2960x1440)
high-quality dual camera with F/1.7 and the ability to shoot video in 4K
Rich equipment, including AKG headphones included


Not a very durable battery for such a screen
There are complaints about the HDR performance in the camera

Xiaomi Mi8 6/64GB

This device immediately after its announcement in Russia became a bestseller thanks to the successful combination of rich filling and a fairly affordable price at the start of sales. is the most inexpensive smartphone with top-end hardware (it can be found on the Internet for about 25,000 rubles). It will provide the owner with high performance due to the most powerful Snapdragon 845 processor to date and the presence of various sensors, including a dual GPS module, pressure sensor, gyroscope, etc. Xiaomi Mi8 has a well-proven dual camera with artificial intelligence function.


Powerful processor
High-quality AMOLED screen 6.2 inches
Rich filling, including pressure sensor, dual GPS, NFC


Not very durable battery
No IK sensor
The face scanner is currently only available in Asian countries

ASUS ZenFone 5 ZE620KL 4/64GB

This device has a modern appearance, including a frameless Full HD+ screen with a notch, a dual camera with F/1.8 and the ability to shoot video with support for 60 frames.

It is worth noting that although this model has a Snapdragon 636 processor, it provides the smartphone with smooth and fast operation in the interface and applications.

The battery can power the phone under average loads for up to 3 days.

The most popular phone models under 20,000 rubles

The best-selling smartphones in Russia 2019 were from the middle price category - from Xiaomi, Samsung and Huawei. Of course, phones from Honor, Sony, Nokia and other well-known brands could also be included in this list, because They fit perfectly into this price range. But we selected only models with maximum demand according to Yandex.Market data.

Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 4/64GB

The top popular phones of 2019 in the mid-price category are headed by the Redmi Note 5 smartphone, primarily for its excellent price/quality combination. In it, the company managed to implement a wonderful design with a thin body and a completely acceptable screen size of 5.99 inches with a resolution of 2160x1080 pixels.

Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 follows the frameless fashion and, at the same time, is quite classic - there is a narrow area above the screen for a speaker with sensors and a front camera, as well as a small chin at the bottom.

There is also a dual 12/5 MP camera with F/1.9, which takes pictures at a very good level. In addition, in addition to two SIM cards, one of the slots can be used for a microSD memory card. The manufacturer did not skimp on the battery - 4000 mAh, which can be called the most capacious among devices of this class. And the legendary Snapdragon 636 processor will ensure fast and smooth operation in the interface and applications.


Excellent ergonomics, fast operation
High-quality Full-HD screen
Good dual camera
Capacious, durable battery


The big screen won't suit everyone

Samsung Galaxy J8 (2018) 32GB

In terms of equipment, this device could be classified as a budget model. However, the price of the Samsung Galaxy J8 (2018) 32GB is approximately 13-16,000 rubles, forcing us to place it in the mid-price segment.

The smartphone has a modern design and a very high-quality dual 16/5 megapixel camera with F/1.7, which allows you to take good pictures in dark conditions. At the same time, the manufacturer installed only a 720×1480 HD screen here, albeit with an AMOLED matrix, which produces a rich picture even in direct sunlight.

The heart of the Samsung Galaxy J8 (2018) is a rather old but quite powerful Snapdragon 450 processor, which is equipped with Chinese phones for 5-6 thousand rubles. The type of charging connector here is still micro-USB, but the battery is quite capacious - 3500 mAh. And it is worth considering that Wi-Fi in this model is supported only up to 802.11n.


High quality camera
Long lasting battery


Not very powerful processor
HD screen

Huawei P20 Lite

This representative of Huawei phones has a fashionable design of a body made of aluminum and boasts excellent hardware. The Full HD screen has a comfortable 5.84 inches diagonal, which, combined with framelessness, provides it with very compact dimensions of 148x71x7.4 mm.

The side edges have a matte finish, which prevents the smartphone from slipping out of your fingers and provides a pleasant tactile sensation. Users note clear sound during calls and very long battery life, up to 5 days, with average use.

It should be noted that along with the USB Type-C port, the manufacturer also left a 3.5 mm headphone jack on the bottom end. By the way, they come with the smartphone, as well as a silicone case. The phone has an advanced dual camera of 16/2 MP, but with an F/2.2 aperture, which does not have a very good effect on pictures in the evening.


Great design
Metal body with matte finish on the sides
NFC availability
Face recognition
Fast charging


Average battery capacity
Low aperture ratio of the main camera

Huawei P smart 32GB

Along with the attractive appearance, one of the strongest points is the display. The 5.6-inch screen with an “extended” Full-HD resolution (2160 x 1080 pixels) shines really brightly, producing almost 575 cd/m2. The only criticism I can make is that the colors on the screen are not as saturated as those of some competitors. This model has 32 GB of internal memory, of which about 23 GB is available to the user. But the smartphone has a separate slot for installing memory cards. The body is made of aluminum, as is the back cover, which houses a fingerprint scanner and a dual camera.


Good workmanship
Modern display
High speed


Poor image quality in poor lighting
Average battery life

The most popular phone models under 10,000 rubles

As expected, this section contains smartphones from one manufacturer - Xiaomi. We could also talk about devices from other manufacturers, but, alas, in this price segment they usually have terrible hardware and, therefore, are not very popular among buyers. There are, of course, exceptions, for example, very high-quality and suitable models with a low price tag are made by BQ Mobile, Prestigio, etc. But, according to Yandex.Market, the most popular devices are still devices from Xiaomi and three models are the leaders in the rating.

Xiaomi Redmi 6 3/32GB

This smartphone can be called an ideal option for people who value convenience, reliability and functionality for very little money. That is why the Redmi 6 model is very popular not only in the Russian market.

The phone has a very fast eight-core MediaTek Helio P22 (MT6762) processor with a clock frequency of 2 GHz and can be equipped with 3 or 4 GB of RAM and 32 or 64 GB of built-in flash drive.

The device has a very high-quality dual main camera with 12 and 5 megapixel sensors, which is very rare for devices in this price segment. Equally important, the smartphone comes with the modern Android 8.1 Oreo operating system with the proprietary MIUI 9 add-on, which are regularly updated by the manufacturer.


Modern design
Quite powerful processor
Long lasting battery
Decent camera


Plastic case
Speaker on the back

Which phone to choose so that it has good equipment and a high price/quality ratio? Everything is very simple: we analyzed the most popular user requests and their purchases on Yandex.Market and selected for you popular phones in terms of price and quality in 2019. This rating includes devices with modern hardware and excellent workmanship. And, as it turned out, phones from the budget and mid-price segment are in greatest demand.

What was taken into account when choosing this or that model, besides high popularity? First of all, this is the price, then ease of use, modern design, a set of the most popular functions, performance, image quality and battery life. All the smartphones selected in this rating have no problems with this, and you can safely rely on them in these categories.

As expected, the Top Manufacturers included Xiaomi and Samsung, but there are also devices from Huawei and Asus. To make it easier for you to navigate your budget, we have divided devices into 3 groups according to cost: up to 10,000 rubles, up to 20,000 rubles and up to 40,000 rubles. And we will start, according to tradition, with relatively expensive, but most equipped phones, and then we will talk about the most popular devices from the middle and budget segment.

The most popular phones under 40,000 rubles

This category includes smartphones with the best characteristics, but at the same time having very high demand in the domestic market. However, we note that if it weren’t for the price restrictions, then the iPhone X would definitely have been included in it (its price starts from 60,000 rubles), because almost twice as many people bought it (according to data for the last 2 months) as the Samsung Galaxy S8+ 64GB (about 40,000 rubles). And we will start with the latter.

Samsung Galaxy S8+ 64GB

The smartphone has become especially attractive in the last six months, when its price dropped by almost half its starting price. Most stores sell it for more than 40,000 rubles, but there are offers for less than 30,000. Top-end hardware, a chic camera, excellent workmanship, a frameless screen rounded at the edges - this is what gives this model high popularity. Separately, we emphasize the presence on board of a huge number of sensors, including a gyroscope, compass, barometer, fingerprint and iris scanners.


large AMOLED screen 6.2 inches with 2K resolution (2960x1440)
high-quality dual camera with F/1.7 and the ability to shoot video in 4K
Rich equipment, including AKG headphones included


Not a very durable battery for such a screen
There are complaints about the HDR performance in the camera

Xiaomi Mi8 6/64GB

This device immediately after its announcement in Russia became a bestseller thanks to the successful combination of rich filling and a fairly affordable price at the start of sales. is the most inexpensive smartphone with top-end hardware (it can be found on the Internet for about 25,000 rubles). It will provide the owner with high performance due to the most powerful Snapdragon 845 processor to date and the presence of various sensors, including a dual GPS module, pressure sensor, gyroscope, etc. Xiaomi Mi8 has a well-proven dual camera with artificial intelligence function.


Powerful processor
High-quality AMOLED screen 6.2 inches
Rich filling, including pressure sensor, dual GPS, NFC


Not very durable battery
No IK sensor
The face scanner is currently only available in Asian countries

ASUS ZenFone 5 ZE620KL 4/64GB

This device has a modern appearance, including a frameless Full HD+ screen with a notch, a dual camera with F/1.8 and the ability to shoot video with support for 60 frames.

It is worth noting that although this model has a Snapdragon 636 processor, it provides the smartphone with smooth and fast operation in the interface and applications.

The battery can power the phone under average loads for up to 3 days.

The most popular phone models under 20,000 rubles

The best-selling smartphones in Russia 2019 were from the middle price category - from Xiaomi, Samsung and Huawei. Of course, phones from Honor, Sony, Nokia and other well-known brands could also be included in this list, because They fit perfectly into this price range. But we selected only models with maximum demand according to Yandex.Market data.

Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 4/64GB

The top popular phones of 2019 in the mid-price category are headed by the Redmi Note 5 smartphone, primarily for its excellent price/quality combination. In it, the company managed to implement a wonderful design with a thin body and a completely acceptable screen size of 5.99 inches with a resolution of 2160x1080 pixels.

Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 follows the frameless fashion and, at the same time, is quite classic - there is a narrow area above the screen for a speaker with sensors and a front camera, as well as a small chin at the bottom.

There is also a dual 12/5 MP camera with F/1.9, which takes pictures at a very good level. In addition, in addition to two SIM cards, one of the slots can be used for a microSD memory card. The manufacturer did not skimp on the battery - 4000 mAh, which can be called the most capacious among devices of this class. And the legendary Snapdragon 636 processor will ensure fast and smooth operation in the interface and applications.


Excellent ergonomics, fast operation
High-quality Full-HD screen
Good dual camera
Capacious, durable battery


The big screen won't suit everyone

Samsung Galaxy J8 (2018) 32GB

In terms of equipment, this device could be classified as a budget model. However, the price of the Samsung Galaxy J8 (2018) 32GB is approximately 13-16,000 rubles, forcing us to place it in the mid-price segment.

The smartphone has a modern design and a very high-quality dual 16/5 megapixel camera with F/1.7, which allows you to take good pictures in dark conditions. At the same time, the manufacturer installed only a 720×1480 HD screen here, albeit with an AMOLED matrix, which produces a rich picture even in direct sunlight.

The heart of the Samsung Galaxy J8 (2018) is a rather old but quite powerful Snapdragon 450 processor, which is equipped with Chinese phones for 5-6 thousand rubles. The type of charging connector here is still micro-USB, but the battery is quite capacious - 3500 mAh. And it is worth considering that Wi-Fi in this model is supported only up to 802.11n.


High quality camera
Long lasting battery


Not very powerful processor
HD screen

Huawei P20 Lite

This representative of Huawei phones has a fashionable design of a body made of aluminum and boasts excellent hardware. The Full HD screen has a comfortable 5.84 inches diagonal, which, combined with framelessness, provides it with very compact dimensions of 148x71x7.4 mm.

The side edges have a matte finish, which prevents the smartphone from slipping out of your fingers and provides a pleasant tactile sensation. Users note clear sound during calls and very long battery life, up to 5 days, with average use.

It should be noted that along with the USB Type-C port, the manufacturer also left a 3.5 mm headphone jack on the bottom end. By the way, they come with the smartphone, as well as a silicone case. The phone has an advanced dual camera of 16/2 MP, but with an F/2.2 aperture, which does not have a very good effect on pictures in the evening.


Great design
Metal body with matte finish on the sides
NFC availability
Face recognition
Fast charging


Average battery capacity
Low aperture ratio of the main camera

Huawei P smart 32GB

Along with the attractive appearance, one of the strongest points is the display. The 5.6-inch screen with an “extended” Full-HD resolution (2160 x 1080 pixels) shines really brightly, producing almost 575 cd/m2. The only criticism I can make is that the colors on the screen are not as saturated as those of some competitors. This model has 32 GB of internal memory, of which about 23 GB is available to the user. But the smartphone has a separate slot for installing memory cards. The body is made of aluminum, as is the back cover, which houses a fingerprint scanner and a dual camera.


Good workmanship
Modern display
High speed


Poor image quality in poor lighting
Average battery life

The most popular phone models under 10,000 rubles

As expected, this section contains smartphones from one manufacturer - Xiaomi. We could also talk about devices from other manufacturers, but, alas, in this price segment they usually have terrible hardware and, therefore, are not very popular among buyers. There are, of course, exceptions, for example, very high-quality and suitable models with a low price tag are made by BQ Mobile, Prestigio, etc. But, according to Yandex.Market, the most popular devices are still devices from Xiaomi and three models are the leaders in the rating.

Xiaomi Redmi 6 3/32GB

This smartphone can be called an ideal option for people who value convenience, reliability and functionality for very little money. That is why the Redmi 6 model is very popular not only in the Russian market.

The phone has a very fast eight-core MediaTek Helio P22 (MT6762) processor with a clock frequency of 2 GHz and can be equipped with 3 or 4 GB of RAM and 32 or 64 GB of built-in flash drive.

The device has a very high-quality dual main camera with 12 and 5 megapixel sensors, which is very rare for devices in this price segment. Equally important, the smartphone comes with the modern Android 8.1 Oreo operating system with the proprietary MIUI 9 add-on, which are regularly updated by the manufacturer.


Modern design
Quite powerful processor
Long lasting battery
Decent camera


Plastic case
Speaker on the back
