Setting up an Internet connection in Windows 7. If the Internet does not work after reinstalling Windows... A few tips

Setting up an Internet connection in Windows 7. If the Internet does not work after reinstalling Windows... A few tips

Almost every user sooner or later wonders how to enable automatic Internet connection in Windows 7.

This instruction is intended to answer all possible questions related to this topic. We hope you find it useful.

All actions, examples and screenshots in this material are relevant for Windows 7, as it remains the most popular today. But most of the operations, taking into account minor amendments, are also applicable to Windows 8 and 10.

Why start the Internet automatically

This setting greatly simplifies the process of using your PC. Precious time is not wasted on unnecessary actions. Plus, there are often situations when a person can miss important messages or letters for a rather annoying reason - he forgot about the Internet when turning on the computer.

Of course, installing a router will solve all these problems. The advantage of this solution is that after this not only desktop devices, but also other mobile gadgets will be united into a single network. All logins, passwords and other information are recorded in the memory of the router itself. In this case, even when changing a PC, most often there is no need to change anything.

Creation methods

There are many installation options. Still, the seventh and subsequent versions of the OS have a lot of different settings that allow you to adapt them to the most popular requirements.

Of course, everyone decides for themselves which method to choose. The user proceeds from his requests and capabilities. Also, a lot depends on the version of the update and the installed software. These factors can also influence the choice of option. But in any case, any of the methods listed below will work for you.

Video: Setting up automatic connection

Using Network Connections

Before starting all actions, check that your names are written in Latin letters. In any case, it is undesirable to use the Cyrillic alphabet in everything related to network settings. It’s better to fix everything right away and rename it than to later wonder why something doesn’t function as it should.

To check, open Network and Sharing Center. Next – “Changing adapter parameters”. To rename the desired connection, click on it twice, but with some interval.

All actions assume that you have already created a working connection.

If not yet, then the following steps will be useful to you:

File with extension .bat

It’s quite easy and quick to set up everything using a special bat file placed in “Startup”, which will perform all the actions for automatic connection.

For this:

Write the name of your file in any Latin letters without spaces and change its extension to “.bat”. You should end up with something like "internet_autostart.bat".

If you cannot change the extension, then follow these steps:

Please note that if you search for this folder manually, some of your names may be translated into Russian and, accordingly, look slightly different.

You need to move your bat file here. Be sure to reboot and check if this method works. If something doesn't work, then simply delete the file and try another option. The fact is that it does not work on all computers.

Network Sharing Center

Using only the “Network Sharing Center” you can achieve the desired result, but with one caveat. In this case, the computer will connect only at the moment when an application requests it. But, as practice shows, this suits the average user quite well.

So, go to “Change adapter settings” and open the properties of our connection. In the “Dialing Options” we put only one checkbox – “Request name, password, certificate, etc.”, and uncheck the rest.

Then it is advisable to make the following changes:

Some time after the reboot, a window will pop up asking you to select the desired action. Check the “Connect automatically” checkbox here. And the problem should be solved. If you want more advanced methods, then read on.

Setting up an automatic Internet connection in Windows 7 with Task Scheduler

Before creating a task in the scheduler:

Actually, after this you can move on to the next step - open the “Task Scheduler”.

You can do this in two ways:

  1. in the “Control Panel” open “System and Security”, then “Administration”, there will be the “Task Scheduler” we need;

  2. press two keys on the keyboard: Win and R, in the window that opens simply enter: “taskschd.msc”;
  3. Next, in the “Action” menu item, select “Create a simple task” and enter a name with a description. You can enter any values ​​here;

  4. in the “Trigger” item, check the “When the computer starts” checkbox, in the “Actions” - “Run the program”;
  5. A window will open in which you will need to specify the location of the “Raspidal” system process we need. You can manually type “C:Windowssystem32rasdial.exe”, or you can specify it through “Browse”;
  6. Please note that the paths to the required files may differ for you. It all depends on where the operating system you are currently on is installed. But the principle for the most part remains the same.

  7. in the “Add arguments” field you need to enter the name of your connection, login and password received from your provider. These must be entered strictly in this order, separating them with only one space. There shouldn't be anything superfluous there. You will get something like this: “INTERNET login password”;

  8. At the end, check the box “Open the Properties window after clicking the Finish button.” Check “Run for all users” and “Run with highest rights”. And here at the very bottom you need to select your operating system. At this stage, you will have to enter the user password, if you have one.
  9. That's basically it. Try restarting your computer. If you did everything correctly, the computer will connect automatically.

    Autorun using Registry Editor

    Alternatively, you can set up an automatic Internet connection in Windows 7 through the registry.

    To start:

    We hope that in this article you found the information you were looking for. In fact, there is nothing complicated here; even a novice user can easily figure it out.

    Do not miss a single point, read carefully all the notes and comments, and then the result of your work will please you without errors or failures for a long time.

Often, after reinstalling the operating system, users are faced with a situation where the Internet does not work on their computer. Let's find out how to fix the indicated problem on a Windows 7 PC.

The reason for this problem is quite trivial: after reinstalling the system, all settings are lost, including Internet settings, and network drivers are lost. The algorithm for getting out of this unpleasant situation depends on the specific method of connecting to the World Wide Web. Below we will look at the procedure for troubleshooting this problem when using Wi-Fi and a standard cable connection through the 8P8C network card connector.

Method 1: Wi-Fi

First, let's look at the algorithm of actions when using a Wi-Fi connection. The main reason for failure to access the World Wide Web after reinstalling the OS is the lack of an appropriate driver for the adapter through which communication via Wi-Fi occurs.

  1. Click "Start" and go to "Control Panel".
  2. Next, go to the section "System and safety".
  3. In the window that opens in the block "System" find the subsection "Device Manager" and click on it.
  4. The interface will open "Device Manager". Click on the section name "Network adapters".
  5. If in the list that opens you do not find the network adapter with which you connect to Wi-Fi at all, or if there is an exclamation mark next to its name, this means that the required driver is missing or incorrectly installed.
  6. Try reinstalling it. To do this, select on the top panel "Action" and click on the item "Update configuration...".
  7. After this, the configuration update procedure will be performed and there is a possibility that your network adapter will be displayed, and, therefore, the Internet will work.

    But an outcome is also possible in which everything remains as before. In this case, only installing the “native” drivers of this device will help you. They can be installed from the disk that came with the adapter. If for some reason you do not have such media, then the necessary component can be downloaded from the manufacturer’s official website. After installing the driver and displaying the device in "Dispatcher", search for available networks and connect to the one to which you have access, entering the password as you would normally do.

Method 2: Internet via cable

If you have regular cable Internet, then even in this case, after reinstalling the operating system, there may not be a connection to the World Wide Web. The likelihood of this is even higher than in the previous case, since interaction with many providers requires special settings, which naturally got lost during the OS reinstallation process.

  1. Left-click on the network connections shortcut in the notification area. In the list that appears, go to "Control center…".
  2. In the window that opens, navigate by position “Setting up a new connection...”.
  3. Then select "Internet connection" and press "Further".
  4. Choose one of two connection options provided by your provider:
    • High speed;
    • Switched.

    With a high degree of probability, you will need to choose the first option, since a dial-up connection, due to its low speed, is currently quite rarely used.

  5. A window will open for you to enter information about your service provider. To connect to your provider, enter your username and password into the appropriate fields, which the service provider must give you in advance. In field "Connection name" you can enter an arbitrary name by which you will recognize the connection being created among other objects on the computer. If you do not want to repeat the authorization procedure every time you log into the network, then in this case, check the checkbox "Remember this password". After all the above settings have been entered, click "To plug".
  6. After this, the procedure for connecting to the Internet will be carried out.
  7. But there are times when you have entered all the settings correctly, but you still cannot connect to the World Wide Web. In such a situation, open "Device Manager" In chapter "Network devices", as in the situation with Wi-Fi. This time, a signal of trouble should be the absence of a computer’s built-in network card in the list. Next, do all the manipulations, including updating the configuration and, if necessary, installing drivers that have already been described above.
  8. After this, the built-in network card should appear in the list, and the Internet should work.

  9. But this does not always help, and if after performing these steps the problem does not disappear, you need to check the network settings. This is relevant if your provider does not support automatic settings. But first you need to contact your service provider to find out exactly what data needs to be entered. In particular, the IP address and DNS server address. Next, go to "Control Panel" and choose "Network and Internet".
  10. Then open the next section "Control center…".
  11. After that, move on to the position "Change settings…".
  12. In the window that opens, find the name of the connection through which you want to activate communication with the World Wide Web. Right-click on it and select a position "Properties".
  13. In the displayed shell, in the list of components, find the name "Internet Protocol (TCP/IP4)". Select it and click "Properties".
  14. It is in the window that opens that you should enter the settings provided by the provider. But in order to be able to enter data, move the radio buttons to the position "Use…". After that, enter information in the active fields and click "OK".
  15. The network connection should appear.

After reinstalling the operating system, the Internet may disappear due to the lack of necessary drivers or loss of installed settings. The algorithm of actions to resolve this problem depends on the type of connection to the World Wide Web.

After concluding an agreement with an Internet provider and installing cables, we often have to figure out on our own how to connect to the network from Windows. To an inexperienced user this seems somewhat complicated. In fact, no special knowledge is required. Below we will talk in detail about how to connect a computer running Windows XP to the Internet.

If you find yourself in the situation described above, then most likely the connection parameters are not configured in the operating system. Many providers provide their own DNS servers, IP addresses and VPN tunnels, the details of which (address, username and password) must be specified in the settings. In addition, connections are not always created automatically; sometimes they have to be created manually.

Step 1: New Connection Wizard

  1. Opening "Control Panel" and switch the view to classic.

  2. Next we go to the section "Network connections".

  3. Click on the menu item "File" and choose "New connection".

  4. In the New Connection Wizard start window, click "Further".

  5. Here we leave the item selected "Connect to the Internet".

  6. Then select manual connection. It is this method that allows you to enter data provided by the provider, such as username and password.

  7. Next, we again make a choice in favor of the connection that requests security data.

  8. Enter the name of the provider. You can write whatever you want here, there will be no mistakes. If you have several connections, then it is better to enter something meaningful.

  9. Next, we enter the data provided by the service provider.

  10. Create a shortcut for connecting on the desktop for ease of use and click "Ready".

Step 2: DNS Setup

By default, the OS is configured to automatically obtain IP and DNS addresses. If your Internet provider provides access to the World Wide Web through its servers, then you need to enter their data in the network settings. This information (addresses) can be found in the contract or found out by calling the support service.

Creating a VPN tunnel

VPN is a virtual private network that operates on the network-on-network principle. Data in a VPN is transmitted over an encrypted tunnel. As mentioned above, some providers provide Internet access through their VPN servers. Creating such a connection is a little different from the usual one.

  1. In the Wizard, instead of connecting to the Internet, select a network connection on the desktop.

  2. Next, switch to the parameter "Connect to a virtual private network".

  3. Then enter the name of the new connection.

  4. Since we connect directly to the provider's server, there is no need to dial the number. Select the option shown in the figure.

  5. In the next window, enter the data received from the provider. This can be either an IP address or a site name like “”.

  6. As in the case of connecting to the Internet, check the box to create a shortcut and click "Ready".

  7. We enter the username and password, which will also be provided by the provider. You can configure the saving of data and disable the request for it.

  8. The final setting is to disable mandatory encryption. Let's go to properties.

  9. On the tab "Safety" uncheck the corresponding box.

Most often, you don’t need to configure anything else, but sometimes you still need to register the DNS server address for a given connection. We have already discussed how to do this earlier.


As you can see, there is nothing supernatural about setting up an Internet connection on Windows XP. The main thing here is to follow the instructions exactly and not make mistakes when entering data received from the provider. Of course, you first need to figure out how the connection occurs. If this is direct access, then you need IP and DNS addresses, and if it is a virtual private network, then the host address (VPN server) and, of course, in both cases, a username and password.

Good mood to you all! In this publication we will talk about how set up internet on your computer via cable. Moreover, friends, once upon a time, this topic was already discussed on this blog.

But since a lot of water has passed under the bridge since then, and Windows 10 is widely used on new computers, there was an urgent need to update the information. Although, to be honest, nothing much has changed in this matter.

Therefore, if someone else does not know where to plug in the network cable correctly or why you need the login and password that you were given at the subscriber point, be sure to read the following material:

After the computer is connected to an already correctly configured modem using a cable, there is little work left to do. You just need to configure the network card. This is done very simply, there will be no problems.

In the future, everything will be shown using Win 10 as an example, although in previous versions of this operating system everything is done by analogy. So, let's get started. Right-click on the "Start" button, and then select the "Network Connections" section:

A window will open in which you need to select a wired connection, because we are connecting via cable. It is usually called "Ethernet" or "Local Area Connection":

Now right-click on it again and go to “Properties”. At the next stage, you need to select “IP version 4” and click the “Properties” button at the bottom:

  1. IP Address: When using dynamic IP, this is any value in the range from to If you have a permanent IP address, you should specify it;
  2. Subnet mask: determined automatically, do not touch anything;
  3. Default gateway: you should specify the IP address of the modem, which distributes the Internet to the computer via a cable.

After that, go to the item “Use the following DNS server addresses.” Here you need to specify the values ​​that are recommended. If you don’t know them, you can use universal ones. Here they are:

At this point, it is important to understand the fact that it is thanks to these addresses that sites open in the computer browser. Therefore, they can be used to block certain resources. Look at the third row of the table above.

In short, after all the manipulations, click the “OK” button and begin to enjoy the Internet. If suddenly the sites still do not load, then it is strongly recommended to check the settings again, and then study this article:

And with this, the article on how to set up the Internet on a computer via cable has come to an end. If you have questions, be sure to ask them in the comments. And at the end, watch an interesting video about Russian people on the Internet.

The Internet is an integral part of the life of a modern PC user. For some, it is a means of communication and a way of entertainment, while others, using the global network, earn their living. In this article we will talk about how to connect your computer to the Internet in different ways.

There are several ways to connect to the global network, it all depends on your capabilities and (or) needs.

  • Cable connection. This is the most common and simplest option. In this case, the provider provides the subscriber with a line - a cable laid into the room, which is connected to a PC or router. There are three types of such connections - regular, PPPoE and VPN.
  • Wireless. Here, access to the network is carried out via a Wi-Fi router, to which the same provider cable is connected. Wireless methods also include mobile 3G/4G Internet.
  • We will separately discuss the possibility of using a mobile phone as a modem or access point.

Method 1: Ethernet

This type of Internet service provision does not require special access requirements - login and password. In this case, the cable is directly connected to the LAN connector on a computer or router.

In most cases, with such a connection no additional actions are required, but there is one exception - when the provider provides the subscriber with a separate IP address and its own DNS server. This data must be entered in the network settings in Windows. The same thing will have to be done if there is a change in provider, that is, find out what IP was provided by the previous one and what the current provider provides.

  1. First, we need to get to the corresponding settings block. Right-click on the network icon in the notification area and go to "Network Control Center".

  2. Next we follow the link "Change adapter settings".

  3. Here we right-click on "Ethernet" and press the button "Properties".

  4. Now you need to configure the parameters of the TCP/IP protocol version 4. Select it in the list of components and go to properties.

  5. We check the IP and DNS data. If the provider provides a dynamic IP address, then all switches should be in the position "Automatically".

    If additional parameters are received from him, then enter them in the appropriate fields and click OK. This completes the setup and you can use the network.

  6. Ethernet has one feature - the connection is always active. In order to be able to disable it manually and do it quickly (by default you will have to go to the network settings each time), let's create a shortcut on the desktop.

    Now, if the Internet is connected, then when we launch the shortcut we will see a window "Status-Ethernet", where you can find some information and disconnect from the network. To reconnect, just launch the shortcut again and everything will happen automatically.

Method 2: PPPOE

PPPOE is a high-speed connection, the only difference from the previous one is the need to independently create a connection with a given login and password provided by the provider. However, there is one more feature: PPPOE can compress and encrypt data. As already mentioned, access to the network still occurs using a cable connected to a PC or router.

You can manage PPPOE in the same way as Ethernet - using a shortcut.

Method 3: VPN

VPN is a virtual private network or simply a “tunnel” through which some providers distribute the Internet. This method is the most reliable from a security point of view. In this case, manual connection creation and access data are also required.

These were instructions for Windows 10; in Windows 7 everything happens a little differently.

Method 3: Wi-Fi

Connecting a computer to a Wi-Fi router is similar to a simple cable connection: everything happens as simply and quickly as possible. This only requires an adapter. In laptops it is already built into the system, but for PCs you will have to purchase a separate module. There are two types of such devices - internal, connected to PCI-E connectors on the motherboard, and external, for a USB port.

It is worth noting here that inexpensive adapters may have problems with drivers on different OSes, so before purchasing, carefully study the reviews about this device.

After installing the module and detecting it by the operating system, a new network connection will appear in the notification area, with the help of which we will receive the Internet, just click on it and click "Connect".

Of course, the appropriate Wi-Fi network must be configured on the router. You can read how to do this in the instructions included with the router. Setting up modern devices, in most cases, will not cause difficulties.

Wi-Fi networks, for all their advantages, can be very capricious. This is expressed in communication interruptions, lack of connection with devices and the Internet. There are different reasons - from driver problems to incorrect network settings.

Method 4: 3G/4G modem

All mobile Internet providers provide users with modems equipped with built-in memory with software stored in it - drivers and a client application. This allows you to connect to the network without unnecessary movements. When connecting such a modem to the USB port of a computer, you need to install the program and run it. If autostart of external devices is disabled in the operating system and the installer does not start automatically, then you need to go to the folder "Computer", find the disk with the corresponding icon, open it and run the installer manually.

To access the Internet, just press a button "Connection" in a programme.

If you don’t want to constantly use the client application, you can use the automatically created connection.

If a new item does not appear in the list, you can create a connection manually.

Working with such a connection in Windows 10 occurs in exactly the same way as in the case of a VPN, that is, through the settings window.

In Windows 7, everything is again a little simpler. Open the list, click on the name, and then press the button "Connection".

Method 5: Mobile phone

If it is not possible to connect your PC to the Internet using the above methods, you can use your smartphone as a Wi-Fi access point or a regular USB modem. In the first case, a wireless adapter is required (see above), and in the second, a USB cable is required.

For normal operation of the access point, you need to make a number of settings in the phone menu or use a special program.

If the computer is not equipped with a wireless communication module, then the only option left is to use the phone as a regular modem.


As you can see, there are quite a few ways to access the global network from a computer and there is nothing complicated about it. It is enough to have one of the tools described above available, and also if you need a few simple steps.
