How much does a bank card terminal cost? Benefits of using terminals

How much does a bank card terminal cost?  Benefits of using terminals

Enterprises and small business organizations in the modern banking market can be compared with larger corporate clients in terms of the level of requests for services and technologies. One of the most popular services is equipping retail outlets and service locations with POS terminals. Providing banking acquiring opens up additional business opportunities and has a lot of positive aspects. It’s worth talking in more detail about how to install a card payment terminal in a store. We need to start by considering what a POS terminal is.

POS terminal: how it works

Bank acquiring is necessary mainly for carrying out cash and settlement operations. The main ones are the following:

  • payments made to counterparties and tax authorities;
  • cash collection;
  • administration of balances on the current account.

This list is not complete, since the range of cash management services includes many operations. The use of cashless payment terminals is included in the list of these services, since money is debited from the buyer’s bank card to the seller’s account. Non-cash payments using plastic cards have practically replaced cash payments.

The presence of a specialized terminal at a point of sale is an essential requirement of modern life. Without such a device, called a POS terminal, it is simply impossible to quickly carry out non-cash payments.

Points equipped with POS terminals are usually marked with stickers with the logos of those payment systems through which non-cash payments are made. In the store, the terminals are located at the checkout, and in service enterprises - with the staff responsible for making payments. The money transfer procedure itself consists of several stages:

  1. After calculating the purchase amount, the buyer informs of his desire to pay with a bank card.
  2. The person responsible for making payments (cashier or seller) accepts the card from the client and inserts it into the POS terminal receiver or asks the buyer to do it himself.
  3. After the card is recognized by the terminal, a request appears on its screen asking you to enter a PIN code.
  4. The client enters a secret password, and if it matches, the card data is sent to the processing center.
  5. The payment system checks the balance on the client's account and transfers the purchase amount from the card to the acquiring bank's account.
  6. A payment receipt is printed, one copy of which is given to the buyer, and the other remains with the seller.
  7. Funds for the purchase are transferred to the seller's account from the bank account. In this case, a commission is charged, the amount of which is agreed upon in an agreement between the bank and the seller.

Connecting acquiring in Sberbank

In order to install a Sberbank terminal for paying with a bank card in a store, first of all, you need to contact the representative office of this organization in person, or visit a website that provides a convenient service for concluding an agreement. At the first stage, it is enough to fill out a special application, which will then be reviewed by the responsible service of Sberbank. After checking the correctness of filling out the document, a bank employee contacts the entrepreneur, who clarifies the application data and answers any questions the potential client may have.

After agreeing on the preliminary application, it is necessary to conclude with Sberbank acquiring agreement. The details of the agreement depend on which terminals the entrepreneur plans to use and which payment systems will be used when making payments.

Also, when concluding a contract, the number of terminals and the average turnover of the enterprise are taken into account. This data affects the cost of Sberbank services. An entrepreneur can either purchase a POS terminal as his own or rent it from a bank. Sberbank carries out servicing of non-cash payment terminals on the basis of introducing additional conditions into the agreement.

After concluding an acquiring agreement, Sberbank specialists install the POS terminal. In addition to your own equipment, you install the software necessary for the correct operation of the terminal. The company also carries out training company employees in methods of working with a point of sale. All personnel responsible for using the terminal receive instructions with brief instructions on how to operate the terminal, and informative stands are placed on the territory of the retail outlet. For the first time you use the terminal, Sberbank assigns a manager who promptly resolves all issues that arise when making non-cash payments.

Types of POS terminals

Cashless points of sale are divided into two types: shopping and mobile.

  1. Trading terminals installed in retail outlets and service organizations. The business owner decides how to install a card payment terminal in a store (from Sberbank, for example) with the creation of the necessary conditions for the smooth operation of the equipment (area, environmental factors).
  2. Mobile POS terminal Sberbank offers non-cash payments for payments outside the point of sale. It is a card reader equipped with wireless modules, including the 3G mobile communication standard. The seller's representative provides the buyer with an mPOS terminal to make payment, into which he inserts his plastic card and enters the PIN code. After the funds are written off, a check is issued, and the operation itself is carried out through a special application installed on the seller’s smartphone or tablet by transmitting data via a wireless network.

The Sberbank mobile terminal for individual entrepreneurs requires lower maintenance costs and is much cheaper to install than a trade terminal. It is ideal for small businesses with low cash turnover and for individual entrepreneurs engaged in traveling activities (distribution trade, home services, delivery of goods from an online store with payment to the courier, etc.).

Buyers are increasingly paying with cards. According to MasterCard research, 15% of Russians do not use cash, and 60% pay by bank transfer at least once a week. If you want to accept payments by bank cards, connect acquiring.

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How does an online cash register with acquiring work?

You sign an agreement with the acquiring bank - an intermediary that accepts payment from buyers' cards. He transfers money to your checking account and charges a commission for services.

  1. The client pays for the goods with a card on the Internet or in a store through a terminal.
  2. Your acquirer blocks the required amount in the buyer's account. If there is not enough money, the payment is interrupted.
  3. If there are enough funds, the cash register receives a notification that everything is in order. Money is withdrawn from the client's card.
  4. The cashier runs a receipt on the online cash register and gives it to the buyer.
  5. The acquirer takes a commission and sends the rest to your checking account. The bank pays you money every 1-2 days. The terms depend on the terms of the contract.

How to accept cards at the terminal

Everyone except micro-enterprises is required to accept non-cash payments. For those whose annual revenue is less than 120 million rubles. (40 million rubles from October 2017, according to the amendment to the law), it is not necessary to install an acquiring terminal. This is stated in Article 16.1 of Law No. 112-FZ. Organizations that do not accept bank cards will receive a fine of 30,000–50,000 rubles.

Acquiring - accepting money only from plastic cards. If you work on the Internet and want customers to pay for goods through payment terminals or electronic wallets, connect an aggregator. For example, Yandex.Kassa, RBK-money, Paymaster, PayAnyWay, OnPay, Assist, or Robokassa.

Do you need an online cash register for acquiring?

Yes. Payment by bank card is an electronic payment. You are required to install an online cash register and issue it to the buyer. If you do not use CCP, you. An exception is the types of activities from Article 2, 54-FZ, for which a cash register is not required by law.

Electronic check generated at the online cash register

To accept payments:

  1. Sign an agreement with the bank.
  2. Buy or rent a terminal to accept cards.
  3. Connect it to the cash register.

Watch a short video that describes the main points of using acquiring and a cash register:

  • how to punch a check;
  • how to read a card;
  • return by acquiring at the online checkout;
  • connecting a pin pad to a cash register.

How to connect the terminal to the cash register and punch a receipt

Question: Do you need an online cash register for Internet acquiring in 2017? I heard that when paying by electronic payment, cash register is not needed until July 1, 2018. But paying by card is an electronic payment, which means that technology is not needed yet?

Mobile acquiring - for couriers, services and small businesses

Mobile terminals are stand-alone models with a keyboard, receipt printer and display. They differ from stationary ones in that they operate on a battery. Such terminals are similar to . You don't need other devices to accept payments.

Example of mobile terminals: VeriFone Vx610, Ingenico iWL220, Yarus M2100F.

Some models combine a terminal and a cash register. - mobile online cash register with acquiring, for paying in cash and cards. More examples: , .

InstallationPOS terminal in retail outlets is now causing a lot of controversy. Some advocate for the freedom of choice of the entrepreneur, let him decide whether to install such a device for him or not. Others protect the rights of the buyer, who has the right to choose how to pay, in cash or with a bank card. But all disputes come to an end; after all, the buyer is always right.

In 2013, the State Duma already received a draft amendment to the law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”, according to which all retail outlets should be equipped with POS terminals, but it has not yet been considered.

But the adoption of these amendments is not far off; they were not adopted not because of concern for sellers, but for other reasons. The Russian Ministry of Finance is preparing to introduce a national payment system; as soon as it is created, these amendments will be given the green light.

So it’s better for retail outlet owners to prepare in advance - installationPOS terminal to their stores is inevitable. To do this, an entrepreneur needs to have a current account with a bank, and not necessarily in the one that will install this electronic means of accepting payments. You can have an account in any other one, just the bank that sets it up will open a so-called transit account. This is where funds withdrawn from customers’ cards will go.

And then they will be transferred to the entrepreneur’s main account. But in this case, more time will pass between paying for the goods and the appearance of money in the current account. But still it should be no more than 6 banking days. 3 days for processing money in a transit account and the same for transferring to the main account. But this is the maximum declared by banks. In practice, all operations usually take two to three days.

InstallationPOS terminal requires presentation of a package of documents to the bank. If the current account is opened in the same bank, then you will need to bring a certified copy of the certificate of ownership of the premises where the retail outlets are located, or the lease agreement for such premises.

After checking the retail outlets, the bank concludes an agreement for the installation of equipment, and after about 10 days it should be installed. Banks usually stipulate this period in contracts.

Without opening an account, you need to bring more documents to the bank.

For individual entrepreneurs:

  • Copies of state registration certificates and registration certificates with the tax authority;
  • Extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, no older than one month;
  • A copy of the passport of an individual entrepreneur;
  • If available, a copy of the license for the right to engage in a certain type of activity;
  • A certificate from the bank where the current account was opened, which should indicate its number and date of opening.

For other legal entities:

  • A copy of the constituent agreement with all amendments or a copy of the decision to create a legal entity (hereinafter referred to as the LE);
  • A copy of the charter;
  • A copy of the order on the appointment of the head of the legal entity;
  • A copy of the passport of the head of the legal entity;
  • A copy of the state registration certificate;
  • Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, no older than 1 month;
  • Information notice from Rosstat;
  • A copy of the certificate of registration with the tax authority;
  • Certificate from the bank where the current account is opened.

All copies are certified with the signature “Copy is correct”, full name of the manager or individual entrepreneur, his signature, if any, seal.

So, is it profitable to install a POS terminal at a retail outlet? Yes, when you install it, the bank will have a trade concession on each transaction. On average, it amounts to 2-3% of the purchase amount throughout the country, and can be increased in six months or a year if there are few transactions. But, having lost part of the profit from the proceeds, the owner of the outlet gains additional customers who do not currently have cash, but have a bank card with them.

Many sellers say that sometimes a person comes in, asks the price, and chooses the right product. But there was no cash, I went to withdraw money and did not return for the purchase. Credit bank cards are also popular among the population now. Moreover, the condition of most of them is that when withdrawing money through ATMs, a commission is charged by the issuing bank, usually from one and a half to five percent.

The same thing happens when receiving money through an ATM of another bank. And when paying through a POS terminal, no commission is charged from the buyer at all - this is the requirement of the payment systems to which the card belongs. Therefore, people with credit cards and bank card holders whose ATMs are not nearby (visitors or tourists) try to make a purchase using non-cash payments.

Another reason for installation is purely psychological - a person with a card does not see the money “live” and therefore usually spends more on purchases.

Thus installationPOS terminal gives the owner of the outlet new customers who will pay with bank cards, thereby increasing its turnover. And entrepreneurs know very well that this has a beneficial effect on profits. Therefore, by installing a POS terminal, entrepreneurs not only enrich the bank with commissions, but also their own profits become greater.

Video on the topic

Installation of POS terminal. Main problems

Terminal for payment by bank cards

Just recently, disputes between entrepreneurs on forums continued about whether it was necessary to install a Sberbank payment terminal in their stores? Some people say with confidence that this service is simply necessary, and besides, it is convenient not only for buyers, but also for sellers, and for money circulation itself. Others insist that there is no urgent need to install terminals. Today, these debates continue, but not for everyone, because there are also those who are required by law to install similar equipment in their stores. Let's talk about Acquiring.

Payment terminal – right or obligation?

At the end of spring 2014, a Federal Law was adopted concerning trade organizations operating in Russia. The essence of the new act is that all stores whose annual profit is more than 60 million rubles must provide their customers with the opportunity to pay not only in cash, but also with bank cards. There are no exceptions for categories of trade - all trade enterprises must follow the law.

Officials, introducing such a law, explained their point of view. Today, 1/3 of Russians not only have their own card in one of the banks, but also actively use it when paying for purchases. In addition, this payment method is much more convenient than cash payment - errors in transferring funds are eliminated, and there is no need to store change and banknotes in your wallet. In addition, the seller cannot increase the price when selling, which is also a definite plus.

The law also states that enterprises with a smaller annual profit do not need to use POS terminals.

If you refer to Article 14.8 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, you can find out what consequences await those who do not comply with the requirements of the law. Rospotrebnadzor monitors implementation. Specialists of this organization are engaged in conducting inspections and establishing facts of violations. Subsequently, the unscrupulous entrepreneur is issued a fine, although an employee of the enterprise may also suffer.

So, if a client is refused to pay for a purchase with a bank card, employees will have to pay a fine of 15–30 thousand rubles. For entrepreneurs, the fine is slightly larger - from 30 to 50 thousand rubles.

Small entrepreneurs do not face fines; it is their own business whether to install terminals or not. But you need to understand that some clients can only pay with a bank card. If the store does not provide such an opportunity, the consumer will leave without purchasing. And if there are many such people, then the losses become very noticeable. That’s why POS terminals are now being installed by small business owners.

What needs to be done to install a terminal for paying with Sberbank bank cards?

In order to install a Sberbank POS terminal, you need to get a current account if you don’t already have one.

A current account can be opened not only with Sberbank, but also with any other credit institution.

When installing a payment terminal, Sber employees open a transit account. All funds from customer cards are credited to it. After this, they are transferred to the businessman’s account. You need to understand that in such a situation the money will take a little longer than if the account was opened directly with Sberbank.

All these operations cannot take more than 6 days. Three days are given to process funds in the transit account, three days to transfer funds to the current account. Six days is the maximum period; in practice, everything happens much faster. Funds are transferred within 2-3 days after the customer makes a purchase.

We are preparing a package of documents necessary for installing the terminal

You need to understand that installing payment terminals is a serious matter. Therefore, you cannot do without collecting a package of documents. Entrepreneurs with a business of any organizational form must provide a document indicating the existence of ownership rights or ownership. In the latter case, it will be a lease agreement. You don’t have to take the paper itself with you to the bank, but you will have to make a notarized copy.

An agreement for the installation of POS terminals can be concluded only after bank employees check the entrepreneur’s outlets. If everything is in order, then the equipment can be installed after 10 days from the date of signing the agreement. Sometimes the term may be slightly different; here it is important to study the text of the contract in order to be sure of the legality of your own actions.

I don’t have a current account with Sberbank – what should I do?

Today, not all organizations have a current account. If an entrepreneur has a desire to install bank card payment terminals, then he will have to register it.

In the case where there is a current account, but it is registered in another bank, the package of necessary documents will be much larger, and they are different for individual entrepreneurs and legal entities.

Documents for individual entrepreneurs

For individual entrepreneurs, the list of documents that must be submitted looks like this:

  • copy of the individual entrepreneur's passport;
  • notification from Rosstat;
  • an extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs issued no more than a month ago;
  • a copy of the document confirming registration with the tax service;
  • You may also need a copy of the license if it is necessary to carry out the activity;
  • current account information.

Documents for legal entities

Legal entities must provide the following package of documents:

  • an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities received no later than a month ago;
  • notification from Rosstat;
  • a copy of the organization's Charter;
  • a copy of the passport of the authorized manager along with a copy of the order as a result of which he was appointed manager;
  • a copy of the memorandum of association in the latest edition;
  • a copy of the state registration certificate;
  • a copy of the document confirming registration with the tax service;
  • current account information.

All copies of documents must be certified by the manager in accordance with the rules for maintaining personnel documents. If the organization has a seal, then they also put it on it.

Installation of a terminal for payment by bank cards: description of the procedure:

When running a business selling goods or providing services, many useful modern systems are used. It will be necessary to install a terminal for paying with bank cards. According to the law, if the profit per year is more than 60 million rubles, then the business owner must provide customers with the opportunity to make non-cash payments. You can install the device from any bank, but in our country they usually install a Sberbank terminal. More details about its connection are described in the article.

What it is?

An acquiring terminal is a device that performs:

  1. Reading information from a plastic card that the buyer uses to pay for goods or services. It may have a magnetic stripe, a chip, or a contactless module.
  2. Transferring the read information to the acquiring bank.
  3. Transfer of identification information certifying the user's permission to pay the bill. To do this, enter a PIN code.
  4. Reception of processed information.
  5. Confirmation of payment by providing a receipt.

Installing a payment terminal for paying with bank cards allows you to quickly and conveniently accept non-cash payments. This simplifies the customer service procedure.


Bank cards are becoming a popular means of payment every day. It is beneficial for entrepreneurs to open electronic devices for non-cash transfer of money for goods and services. Installing a terminal for paying with bank cards for individual entrepreneurs has the following advantages:

  1. Card users are more willing to purchase many goods where there is the possibility of non-cash payment, which affects the attraction of customers.
  2. People are not limited by the amount of cash, which increases the average check, and therefore the store’s turnover.
  3. Unplanned purchases are more common among card users.
  4. There is no risk of receiving counterfeit bills.
  5. The cashier's job becomes easier and more convenient.
  6. Queues at the checkout are reduced.
  7. Due to the small amount of cash in the cash register, the time of recalculation during collection is reduced.
  8. Reducing collection costs.

Installing a terminal for paying with bank cards will help prevent fines, since the law will be followed. After all, Rospotrebnadzor employees carry out checks to ensure compliance with legal requirements.

Fines can be in the range of 15-30 thousand rubles for an employee of a retail establishment who refuses to serve by bank transfer. And the business owner will have to pay 30-50 thousand rubles.

Installation procedure

An entrepreneur must open a current account, which can be opened at any bank. Installing a terminal for paying with Sberbank bank cards involves going through the following steps:

  1. Submit an application to the bank, give a list of documents.
  2. Discuss the details with a specialist.
  3. Conclude an agreement for the provision of acquiring services.
  4. Bank employees install the device and software, and train staff to use the device. All this lasts 10 days after signing the contract.

This concludes the procedure. When store employees can operate the device, it is possible to work with cashless payments. It is advisable to place an advertisement about this.

Documents for individual entrepreneurs

In order to install a Sberbank terminal in a store for paying with bank cards, the individual entrepreneur provides:

  1. A copy of your passport.
  2. Notification from statistical authorities.
  3. Extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs.
  4. A copy of the state registration paper.
  5. A copy of the Taxpayer Identification Number.
  6. A copy of the license.
  7. Current account details.

These documents are provided along with the application to open a terminal. Only with a complete set does the registration process take place.

What do legal entities provide?

Installation of a terminal for payment by bank cards for legal entities requires the provision of the following documents:

  1. Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.
  2. Alert from Rosstat.
  3. A copy of the constituent agreement.
  4. A copy of the charter.
  5. A copy of the manager’s passport and the order of his appointment.
  6. A copy of the state registration certificate.
  7. A copy of the tax registration paper.
  8. Current account details.

All designated documents must be certified by management’s signature and seal. A complete list of papers makes it possible to quickly draw up a contract and install the device.

How is money transferred?

Under the acquiring agreement, Sberbank issues the client a transit account in which the funds transferred from the buyers’ cards will be stored. Then the money is transferred to the current account. In this case, a commission for transactions is calculated. The maximum period for receiving funds through acquiring is 6 days (if the account is opened in another bank).

Usually the amount is transferred to the current account within 1-2 days after payment. The price of providing services for non-cash payments to customers is influenced by the store’s turnover, the number and type of POS terminals used, which the organization can buy or rent. Acquiring tariffs are also determined based on the average bill. The higher the turnover, the lower the commission for bank services. Installing a terminal for paying with bank cards is beneficial for every store, since most customers switch to this payment method.

Types of cashless points

Devices are stationary and mobile. Which device will be chosen depends on the operating conditions of the retail establishment. Stationary devices are usually located in a service room or office, where it is possible to ensure uninterrupted operation of the equipment. In stores these are cash registers.

If services are provided on-site, then you need a mobile device that has a wireless communication module. It turns out that you can pay with it not only at the checkout. A representative of the institution provides the client with a mobile POS terminal for payment. You must enter a PIN code, after which the money will be debited and a receipt will be provided.

The transfer is carried out by a remote PC with an installed application from Sberbank, with which the device is in communication. A mobile device is considered easier to install and maintain compared to a stationary one. This device is less expensive and more preferred by organizations with low turnover.

Main elements of the acquiring complex

Installing a terminal for paying with VTB or another bank bank cards allows you to automate the process of paying for purchases. The device includes several elements. The acquiring complex consists of:

  1. Monitor. Using the device, the operator controls the entered information about payments and goods.
  2. System unit. It carries out procedures for processing and storing transaction information.
  3. Buyer display. The client can control information about the product, its cost and quantity.
  4. Keyboards. Used to enter product information.
  5. Card reader. It can be built-in or free-standing.
  6. Printing device. Required to receive a check.
  7. Fiscal part. Used for online storage of banknotes. They can be mechanical or automatic.
  8. Software.

The terminal is similar to a cash register in that it allows you to carry out trading transactions. But, in addition to recording sales, the device accumulates other information, for example, prices, descriptions, expiration dates of goods.

Thus, having a terminal in the store allows you to enjoy many advantages. Moreover, this is convenient not only for sellers, but also for buyers. That is why many entrepreneurs connect this device to work in their store.

Trade acquiring of Sberbank - terminal for payment by bank cards

Trade acquiring is the acceptance of bank card payments for goods and services offered by your organization. The largest acquiring bank in Russia is Sberbank, and it has its own processing center, which significantly improves the quality of service compared to competitors and the security when accepting payments, including the confidentiality of payment information.

Sberbank also provides Internet acquiring for online stores; this service can be activated either separately or as part of trade acquiring along with connecting a terminal for paying with bank cards.

You can accept payments online on websites, social networks, applications, or issue an invoice to clients by email.

Mobile mPOS terminals are also provided for accepting card payments using a smartphone or tablet on Android or iOS.


The percentage for acquiring in Sberbank (including Internet acquiring for online stores) depends on the turnover of bank card payments - from 1.8% to 2%. An individual tariff is also possible depending on the type of terminal and bank cards used by clients. You can calculate your traffic by submitting an application on the bank’s official website.

A bank card is a convenient way to pay for purchases at retail outlets and on the Internet. The cardholder is not limited in his spending only to cash, but can also purchase goods using a credit card. In this regard, many banks offer trade acquiring services for both individual entrepreneurs and legal entities. There are different types of devices: POS terminals, mobile and Internet modules. Today we will look at acquiring Sberbank. How profitable is it, what are the tariffs and conditions, and will it help business development?

Why is acquiring needed?

This method of calculation is beneficial for each participant in the process. Cardholders do not have to look for ATMs and cash out. All purchases are made through a card, which does not limit the buyer. Accordingly, the retail outlet receives more profit, which is due to the greater solvency of the client. The issuing bank reduces the cost of maintaining ATMs and receives additional profit through commissions for acquiring services provided. More details can be found at the link.

Lower cash turnover reduces the risk of errors in cashier calculations. It also eliminates the possibility of receiving counterfeit banknotes, which in turn also leads to increased profits in the long term. A complete transition to acquiring could eliminate the need for collection.

Types of acquiring

This or that type of acquiring will depend on the type of activity of the entrepreneur. One type of equipment may be suitable for each business, but not another. Let's look at what acquiring services are available at Sberbank.

POS terminals

These are devices that read information from a bank card. Such devices work with both magnetic cards and chip cards. Modern equipment is equipped with a contactless payment acceptance system. The client just needs to bring the card to the terminal’s reading screen, and the purchase will be made automatically without additional requests. As a rule, this method is limited to transactions up to 1,000 rubles.

Cash terminals can, in turn, be divided into wired and portable. Wired ones are suitable for stationary cash registers. An example would be a grocery store or a clothing store. All those retail outlets where the cash registers are located in one specific place.

Wireless will be convenient for the food service industry or for businesses that do not carry out their main sales in a specific location. An example would be restaurants or online stores with courier delivery.

Wireless terminals differ among themselves in the speed of Internet connection. More efficient equipment works using a Wi-Fi connection or Ethernet. Devices on GPRS or GSM connections operate more slowly.

Sberbank also offers mobile acquiring to individuals and legal entities. This is an application that is downloaded to a mobile phone. This service is suitable for taxi or courier delivery.

Mobile acquiring services are replacing the cash register. To make a payment, the client just needs to bring the card to the mobile phone where the application is installed. To complete the transaction, you must specify the amount and confirm the action. Individual entrepreneurs can conduct commercial activities without a cash register if they have permission to do so, using only Sberbank’s mobile acquiring.

Internet acquiring

This type of acquiring is suitable for trading companies carrying out commercial activities via the Internet. Activating the service will allow you to accept customer payments by bank cards. Users of Internet acquiring from Sberbank must complete an application located on the bank’s website before completing an agreement. There you need to provide information:

  • about the organization, director and chief accountant;
  • online store and website with a domain name;
  • monthly cash turnover and average receipt;
  • organization contact details;
  • the nearest Sberbank office to formalize the agreement.

After that, the module must be placed on your own website. Sberbank provides instructions on how to connect the service. You can also contact the company’s technical support if you have any questions.

Service cost

The cost of acquiring at Sberbank depends on the chosen tariff. Renting the equipment itself will cost about 1,500-2,000 rubles per month, depending on the type of device. In addition, the bank will charge a commission of 1 to 4% for each transaction. The bank takes a commission from the point of sale, while card users do not need to pay anything extra.

The rate directly depends on the amount of cash turnover for the month. The more transactions are performed, the lower the bank commission will be, accordingly. Therefore, in acquiring Sberbank, the cost will be lower for larger legal entities, although the conditions are discussed individually.

Sberbank provides technical support free of charge. The cost of the equipment also includes connecting the devices and providing a half-hour lecture on Sberbank’s merchant acquiring, which describes in detail how to use the equipment.

If the terminal breaks down, the bank carries out repairs or replaces the software using its own technical support. To use acquiring services at Sberbank, you will need to open a cash register account. Its price varies from 0 to 2,000 rubles per month, based on tariffs and terms of service.

How to draw up an agreement?

In order to draw up an acquiring agreement with Sberbank, you must first draw up an application. It is provided on the company’s website in the “Small Business” section. The application indicates contact information and the city in which the outlet is located. You will also need to briefly describe the company's activities and indicate what type of equipment will be needed for the work.

Then go to the Sberbank department and provide a set of documents. Banks provide services to both legal entities and individuals. The set of documents includes:

  • certificate of state registration;
  • certificate of registration with the tax office;
  • a certificate confirming the right to conduct commercial activities;
  • document from the Unified State System;
  • documents for those persons who have the right to sign.

After submitting all these documents, the bank will review the application within 3 days and invite you to the office to draw up and sign an agreement. By that time, you will need to familiarize yourself with Sberbank acquiring, tariffs, interest and terms of the agreement, and decide on the type of equipment.

When preparing documents, you should select the date when the devices will be installed. For those who wish to open a current account with Sberbank, they will additionally need to draw up a corresponding agreement.

After that, invite bank specialists and connect acquiring. Bank employees will install the models and provide instructions to sellers and interested parties on how to use the terminals. In the future, if you have any questions, you will be able to contact the support hotline for acquiring clients.

How are calculations made?

In the morning, the cashier opens the cash register, then we put the terminal into operation and accepts payments from customers of the outlet by bank transfer. The device reads information from the card via a magnetic stripe or requests a PIN code. The cashier has the right to ask the client for a passport in order to identify the card owner.
